Iran Deal Emboldens Our Enemies

This week is a somber week for our nation. September 11th reminds us of the sacred responsibility we in Congress have to protect the American people from those who want to kill us. That is why we must oppose the Iran deal. This deal only emboldens our enemies at the expense of our friends and our own national security. So it is no surprise that a majority in Congress oppose the deal for many reasons.

First, it allows Iran to develop nuclear weapons in the future. In other words, Iran would not even have to cheat on the agreement to obtain a nuclear bomb.

Second, it lifts sanctions and frees up as much as $150 billion in assets for Iran. These funds inevitably will be used by Iran to export terrorism, as the president himself has admitted.

Third, the long-standing arms embargo against Iran will be lifted. This enables Iran to acquire weapons that could be used against our allies. In fact, Iran plans to buy long-range surface-to-air missiles from Russia by the end of the year.

Fourth, there is no credible way to conduct inspections of Iran's nuclear weapons-building sites. Under the proposed deal, Iran is given weeks, if not months, of advance notice of any inspection. This provides ample time and opportunity for Iran to hide evidence of nuclear weapons activities and violate the agreement.

Secret deals that the administration hid from Congress and the American people have now been revealed. One secret deal permits Iran to conduct its own inspections at a military facility suspected of ties to nuclear weapons. I am glad that the House is taking action to disapprove of the Iran deal. But the 60-day window for considering this deal has not begun until Congress has received all documents involved in this deal.

Finally, this deal endangers Israel, one of our oldest and strongest allies. No other nation is at more risk of nuclear attack from Iran than Israel. By increasing the odds of a nuclear Iran this deal directly threatens the security and future of Israel.

The Iran deal destabilizes the Middle East, jeopardizes America's security, and endangers the world. The Iran deal must be opposed now and in the future.

Remember, this is not the law of the land. This deal is a non-binding executive agreement. Only the Constitution is the law of the land.


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