Jerry Patterson Can Save the Day
Jerry Patterson is a retired USMC Lt Colonel who served our country honorably for 24 years during the Vietnam War. He was a member of the Texas Senate from 1993-1999 and was the 27th Commissioner of the General Land Office from January 21, 2003 to January 2, 2015. As the former Land Commissioner he was enjoying retirement life, but circumstances arose that mandated that he come out of retirement. The total disregard by the present Land Commissioner, George P. Bush for our Texas history and the helpless Harvey victims still without their homes motived Patterson to run for office again.
Patterson is an outspoken man that is not afraid to tell the truth, even if others do not agree with him. This and his fearless attack on those who question the truth have given him a multitude of ‘myths’. He doesn’t follow the usual pattern of what we may consider ‘politically correct’. He didn't vote for President Donald Trump instead chose another Republican. News reports claim that neither of the Bush presidents voted for Trump. In fact, #41 voted for Hillary. GP had to save his political career and supported Trump because he was the Texas Victory Chair.
Patterson believes the ‘wall’ should not be built at Big Bend and Governor Greg Abbott agrees. In fact, President Trump said that the ‘wall’ “was never intended to be built in areas where there is natural protection such as mountains, wastelands or tough rivers or water.”
Patterson did not ‘kick’ the Daughters of the Republic of Texas out, GP did. In fact, Patterson is endorsed by DRT Present General 2011-2013 Karen Thompson. Below is a copy of the letter.
Dear Friend,
It has been brought to my attention that comments have been made concerning former Land Commissioner Jerry Patterson and The Daughters of the Republic of Texas, that he “kicked” the Daughters out of the Alamo. This is totally untrue.
Let’s set the record straight, Patterson worked “with” DRT to secure an amazing contract with the State for the Daughters to continue to operate the Alamo just as they had done for a century. In fact, DRT was doing exactly as they had been doing; only now we are being paid $10,000.00 a month to do so. For the first time, the executive director was a DRT member. The day the contract took effect, not one change was visible at the Shrine.
This would not have been possible without the cooperation of Commissioner Patterson, in fact in the two years I worked with him, he was unfailing in recognizing the dedication of the Daughters. I know he appreciated our work for all those years and often said the Alamo would not have been saved without the love and work of DRT.
Jerry Patterson and I signed the agreement and he said he hoped that the Daughters would continue to be at the Alamo forever.
My DRT successor said the Daughters did not belong at the Alamo and was glad the contract ended. We had not reached a contract about the Library when I left office May 18, 2013.
The Daughters of the Republic of Texas does not have a better champion than Jerry Patterson. Even after I left office I continued to be the only Daughter on the important Alamo Endowment Foundation, which is the group that actually runs the Alamo. When George P. Bush took office he replaced me on the foundation and no DRT member had a voice.
For the sake of the Alamo, I hope and pray that Jerry Patterson once again becomes Land Commissioner.
Email me at [email protected] with any questions.
In Liberty,
Karen R. Thompson
DRT President General 2011-2013
True Texans understand the distressing situation we are in at the Alamo. Today we are not fighting to win our Texas independence back again; we are engaged in a fight to the end with the progressive movement of tearing our heroes down. Because we are all aware that San Antonio is led by an extremely progressive city council, there is fear that they will do whatever it takes to ‘blur’ history especially in their ‘Reimagine the Alamo’ with GP in lock step with this crusade.
In the Opinion F3 section in the very liberal Express News dated January 28, 2018, ‘Getting the Story of the Alamo Right’, the San Antonio Editorial Board highlighted Gary Zaboly, an artist and illustrator of many history books including the Barack Obama coloring book and two others Michael McGar, the project artist who designed the virtual tour of the Alamo and Stephen Hardin a paid consultant and author of several books including, The Alamo 1836: Santa Anna’s Texas Campaign. Zaboly states in the article by the editorial board that, “There are no clean answers to explain the Texas Revolution.” He continued by writing that, “The Mexican side of things is easily understood and empathized with.” Zaboly ends the paragraph with, “In recent years, however, the bravery of the Mexican soldados during the campaign has been better examined, revealed, and honored, so Mexico should feel pride in its efforts during that war; despite Santa Anna.” Please don’t think this article is a ‘coincidence’. It is a concentrated effort to change hearts and minds.
Texans know that the Alamo is the Cradle of Texas Liberty; it was the 13-day siege in 1836 that brought about Texas Independence. It is the handful of men who chose to die for Liberty that shaped Texas’ freedom from the dictatorship of Mexico and the tyranny from Santa Anna’s army of 1,000 during the last stand. The Battle for the Alamo is the reason Texas exists! Reimagining this critical battle is an affront to Liberty. The Alamo Cenotaph, an empty tomb, honors these heroic men and must not be moved to dim our memories. George P Bush, the present Land Commissioner, should not be reelected since he is the one that is leading the charge to ‘Reimagine the Alamo’ and to move the Alamo Cenotaph.
At the Senate Finance Meeting December 5, 2017 GP was charged with lack of transparency to the public on funds for the Alamo. The My Statesman has a very telling report dated February 9, 2018, Exclusive: George P. Bush slammed by audit over Alamo concerns. The ‘Reimagine’ the Alamo plan was approved for $450 million and the public is not able to ‘see’ where this money is being funneled. The article states, ‘The draft report, obtained by the American-Statesmen and dated Sept. 8 recommends that the agency “reconsider the structure and funding model for Alamo operations.” The draft goes on, “This is an unusual situation that has created complexity and lack of clarity regarding the nature and the use of the funds used for the Alamo operations.”
As to the Harvey victims, what has GP Bush really accomplished in trying to restore their homes? At the same Senate Finance Meeting on December 5, Bush was able to rattle off numbers but, in the end, only two recipients had been finalized with direct assistance for limited home repair. Sadly, GP received ‘contributions’ to his campaign from Horne LLP a company that he hired to do disaster recovery in October, 2017 after Harvey hit Texas. While this ‘story’ is being criticized by his staff as ‘fake news’ the fact remains that there is money in the bank for GP’s war chest about $27,000. Appearances are everything.
We will not save the Alamo if GP is reelected. He will build his showplace with higher office expectations. Jerry Patterson is the only one that can beat GP because of his name recognition. Jerry Patterson has the knowledge, experience and chutzpah to save our Alamo and to bring the Harvey victims back into their homes. Let’s see on March 7, 2018 how many of you really care about Texas and Texans. #BOOTBUSH
Fight, Never Give Up!