Left Plans Takeover of Harris County, Texas Can We Stop It?
If you remember the 2016 election, Democrats with massive funds from uber-leftists like George Soros and his allies swept the countywide races and seized critical positions.
The best way to describe the 2016 battle, the Democrats used howitzers and Republicans used squirt guns. It was clear that the Democrats understood the election was a war and the Republicans saw just another election with their useless slogan, "Harris County Works."
Flash forward to 2018, and the Democrats international and national leftists allies are back. Why? Because, they understand that Harris County is the key to Texas and, ultimately, the key to winning the White House.
This year, the Democrats plan to win other countywide offices controlling the voter rolls, seeking to take control of Commissioners Court and eliminate Republican judges (regardless of qualifications), oust Congressman John Culberson, and threatening Senator Ted Cruz's reelection.
The nightmare today is that this is all very possible.
National conservative funders need to engage in this political war or risk losing everything!
Locally, conservatives, likewise, need to recognize what is at stake. With such kooky ideas like a revolving door for criminals, growing government, anti-family efforts, abortion on demand paid for by taxpayers, continued neglect of our infrastructure to fund favored social programs, tax increases on working Texans, abolishing our borders and opening them to foreign criminals, government takeover of our medical care, and last, but not least, a post-election coup d'etat removing President Trump from office.
There is reason to be concerned, as this year's slogan has appeared - "Keep Harris County Strong." Hopefully, this is not a sign that the 2018 campaign is a reprise of 2016. If so, the results will not be any different, another historic defeat for Republicans.
Failure to truthfully define what we face in November allows Democratic candidates like "Beto" and "Lizzie" to get away with hiding their radical leftist agenda behind a nice smile and a good personality. FYI, we will lose personality contests.
So, this is a call for action, for all to wake up and engage with a meaningful campaign that truthfully defines our candidates and theirs.
Early Voting begins soon on October 22, 2018 and Election Day is November 6, 2018. It will be here before you know it. Time is slipping away and so is our hope to maintain the progress we have made under conservative leadership. The alternative is quite simply an era of decline culminating in the snuffing out of our freedom and republic, replaced by a new Socialist paradise.