Matt McCall deceives prospective constituents

“O, what a tangled web we weave when we first practice to deceive.” -  Sir Walter Scott

It’s never a good idea to mislead or misrepresent the facts. The MSM (mainstream media) does it exceptionally well and it must be a huge temptation for challengers to exaggerate or to conceal certain facts to enhance their position. Because the incumbent has already established his voting record and his constituents he does have a certain advantage. It is up to the challenger to establish credibility if he wants to persuade voters to support him. Furthermore, challengers who have no voting record, no record of serving on school boards or local city boards, or even showing any sign of leadership in community organizations have only mud to fling.

Last Monday, November 9, a CD21 debate was held in Kendall County that stirred unnecessary controversy had the truth been told from the onset, that is, that Congressman Lamar Smith was ‘expected’ to attend the debate when in reality he had given notice that he was NOT attending. And so as to clarify when a challenger becomes an ‘official’ candidate, it is when he places his name on the ballot and this depends on what states he lives in. In Texas the dates are November 14 to December 14, 2015 according to the Texas Secretary of state. If a ‘candidate’ runs in a federal election then he has to file with the Federal Election Commission.

What does the FEC do?

The Federal Election Commission (FEC) is an independent regulatory agency established in 1975 to administer and enforce the Federal Election Campaign Act (FECA). That statute limits the sources and amounts of the contributions used to finance federal elections, requires public disclosure of campaign finance information and--in tandem with the Primary Matching Payment Act and the Presidential Election Campaign Fund Act--provides for the public funding of Presidential elections. For more information on the FEC's role in regulating federal elections, see the brochure. The FEC and the Federal Campaign Finance Law

Please note that the rules governing elections for state or local offices and procedures for getting on the ballot for an election are outside of the purview of the FEC. You will want to contact the Secretary of State or appropriate election office in your state for more information.

It’s also not a good idea to misinform the person that is asked to moderate the debate. It seems that Doc Owen from the ‘Doc Owen Show’ was misled. And so as I have said and continue to say, “Paybacks are hell.” The following are Doc’s own written words that he has shared with me and if you care to see them again just go to Facebook to his page, Doc Owen Show. In his remarks, Doc refers to claim #1, #2 and #13, these are references to Matt McCall’s claims about himself and Congressman Smith on McCall’s webpage.

Doc has a radio show and on Thursday, November 12 he aired his views on the CD21 debate publically naming the radio episode, Wrong Cowboy, Bubba. Follow the link so you can listen for yourself.
The reference to the CD21 debate starts at 35 minutes 31 seconds.

Pray, Fight, NEVER GIVE UP!


As I continue this conversation with and about the Kendall County Texas Tea Party Congressional District 21 sponsored “debate”, I feel the need to make one thing perfectly clear...I do not have, as we say in the south, a dog in the hunt. I do not now nor have I ever lived in this district, therefore I cannot vote for, or against, any of the candidates.

At this point, you should consider this a series. As I do the promised research, I simply find it too long and confusing to put into a single post or article. So, I will give it to you in small chunks, a few days apart. That allows me to complete additional research and you to follow my links to confirm my research.

One of the candidates in the debate, Mr. Matt McCall responded to my very first or second question, I forget which, with an assertion that it was “not part of the previously agreed debate format” and that made him uncomfortable. He felt we should stick to the script. That statement was absolutely not true. Period. I told the audience and I reminded the candidates of the truth.

The event organizer, Mr. Earl Smith, and both candidates knew that Mr. McCall’s statements were not true, yet he continued to be disruptive to the point the audience became quite vocal in support of the candidates against the moderator. This seems to be a somewhat standard theme portrayed in televised debates. Or, as in Ann Coulter’s book about “mob rule”.

The reason the candidates were “uncomfortable” is quite simple. On Friday, 11/6, a list of questions was distributed by the event organizer. Both candidates had prepared their responses. Unfortunately, I was not included in this arrangement. Do you know why?

I do. My Ph.D. is in Leadership Studies and my research is in Business Ethics. Oh, and I am a college professor of the capstone course for a Masters in Cybersecurity. Do you think I would condone handing out the questions the Friday before a test on Monday? If you do, then I suggest you avoid my class.

The bottom line is this...while I knew it was going to be a difficult evening, I had no idea the depth to which some folks will stoop to either win an election or bash a politician. Now I know...really low.

So, since I was misled, then the audience was misled. As a result, my background mandates that I set the record straight. The best way to do that is to follow other statements made by the primary instigator of the untruths...Mr. Matt McCall.

Let me walk you through a few of them I found in writing. Don’t take my word for it, follow the links that are provided, read it for yourself, you decide...

Claim #1 – “Not a lawyer or a politician”. Oh, really? Then why put the label “Politician” on your official Facebook page? For comparison, here is what honesty looks like...the Doc Owen Show Facebook page. Notice what is under my name...”News Personality”. How about that, exactly what I claim to be.

Claim #2: Constitutional Conservative = Legal posture followed by a political categorization. Sure seems to negate Claim #1 of being neither a “lawyer or a politician”. That is two for two in the misleading statements department. Not good.

Claim #13: “Small business owner in the medical products industry with a lifetime of business experience” = technically true, but again misleading. I would use the word “micro” or “miniscule” for the business size not “small”. “McCall International Medical is a provider of medical equipment and surgical bandages to the U.S. military in Europe”. Sounds like BIG business...right? Not really, Matt’s business had recorded a total revenue of only $49, 902.00 from its founding in 2004 through the end of 2014 in government contracts according to That is approximately $4,990.20 per year. Does that compute for you?

And yet, if you search the San Antonio Chamber of Commerce you will find McCall International Medical, with offices at 314 Rittman Road in San Antonio did $1,750,000.00 with 15 employees and McCall International Medical, with offices at 1025 Shook Avenue in San Antonio did $150,000.00 with 2 employees. Both firms have the same phone number and list the contact as Matt McCall. So, which is it?

Oh, and this doesn’t even include the third listing on, same phone number, with $190,000.00 in annual revenue, 2 employees, with headquarters at 678 Rosewood Avenue in Boerne, Texas. The Principal at this location is Brian Mathew McCall, aka Matt McCall. Yet another misdirection, now we are at three!

However, if you’re like me and feel the need to continue to try and find the truth, you can go to the McCall International Medical Services, LLC, listing at 404 Garraty Road in San Antonio where the firm apparently shares a small house with 25, yep, 25 other firms. Do you understand the word “front”.

And that is just the beginning of my research. As I research Mr. McCall’s comparative statements about Congressman Lamar Smith posted on the Matt McCall for Congress campaign website, I find numerous misrepresentations of Congressman Smith’s record. You bet, I will definitely publish when that research is complete.

McCall International Medical

McCall International Medical

McCall International Medical in San Antonio, TX - Contracting Profile


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