Rep. Gohmert Greets Dr. Simone Gold as She is Released from Federal Prison
I joined Dr. Simone Gold last week as she was released from federal prison after she was unjustly prosecuted by the Biden Administration’s Department of Justice. I also presented her with a flag which was flown over the U.S. Capitol to celebrate her invaluable work and contributions to public health, medical freedom and our God-given constitutional rights.
Dr. Gold is a patriot and an American hero. In the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, she exposed the world to life-saving early treatment options that undoubtedly saved many lives. Tragically, her sound medical advice was viciously attacked and suppressed by a corrupt media captured by pharmaceutical companies with a clear financial agenda.
After having her name and reputation shamefully dragged through the mud, the Biden administration’s DOJ threw her in prison for peacefully walking into the U.S. Capitol on January 6 and delivering a speech. Dr. Gold is the definition of what a political prisoner looks like—something I never thought I’d see here in the United States of America.
God Bless Dr. Gold. History will not look kindly upon those who persecuted—and prosecuted—doctors who spoke out against the COVID lockdown, mask and vaccine mandates.