Saint Hillary, Do We Really Know You?

When Hillary Clinton decides to run for President, the big push from the moderates will be how moderate Hillary truly is, while downplaying what has been a consistent theme of her life: government is the engine of growth. Hillary will run in 2016 as she did in 2008, a woman of the left.

If you hate Obamacare, what makes your think that we would be better off under Hillary, whose own health proposals in the 1990’s were essentially Obamacare? The only difference is that every member of her own Party thought this was a bad idea, and the American people rejected this approach in the 1994 congressional election.

Her care of foreign affairs has been disastrous, and when that 3am call during the Benghazi raid came in, she was nowhere to be found along with her boss, President Obama. She lied in front of those who loved one of those fallen heroes when she stood by her story that it was the fault of a crazed movie director (who by the way is still in jail for this offense. I know that some of you lefties will remind me that the director was guilty of violating his parole but does anyone really believes that he would have been arrested if he made a move about the Mormons?) Now everywhere, the Obama-Clinton policy is in disarray as we close down embassies and run to the hills with our head stuck between our legs.

Many of you have seen the emails that have various quotes showing her love for government solutions, and of course many lefties will tell you that these quotes are taken out of context. Which is true, but when put in context, a more complete picture of Hillary is taken. She is nothing more than Barack Obama in a pants suit.

In a speech on tax cuts, Hillary stated, “We are going to take things away from you for the common good.” Before that she noted that we needed to "cut short your tax cuts” and like many times before, she believes the money you earn belongs to the government and anything you are allowed back, is a gift from government. Contrary to conventional wisdom, this is a radical way of looking at taxes and tax cuts. Our own tradition tells us that what we earn is ours and not the government. We pay our taxes to pay for the needs of government with our consent.

When one reviews the quote “It’s time for a new beginning, for an end to a government of the few, by the few, and of the few, it is time to reject the idea of a 'on your own' society and to replace it with a shared responsibility.” She goes on to pay homage to “free markets” but makes it clear that we need “smart investment” which is a code for expansionist government involvement. The quote, even in context, shows little understanding of market economy theories.

Hillary cannot brag about her time as Secretary of State since much of her policy is collapsing around her successor, John Kerry. Her performance during Benghazi showed a Secretary of State who didn’t have the back of those who served her in the field. Nor is this an issue that will go away in 2016 since those members of her own Party who challenges her in the Democratic primary will remind her of that night and the failure of her policy. Her mediocrity as Secretary of State and her little understanding of the free market system that undergirds our society is hardly a qualification to be President.


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