Senator Ron Johnson of Wisconsin to Speak at Convention Gala

Republican Party of Texas - The Republican Party of Texas is pleased to announce that we have confirmed United States Senator Ron Johnson of Wisconsin as one of our featured speakers at the 2012 Texas GOP Convention Gala Banquet on Friday, June 8, 2012 at the Fort Worth Convention Center. Senator Johnson will be joining former Senator Rick Santorum as our co-keynote speaker at the Gala.

Senator Johnson went to Washington because the federal government is bankrupting America. He thinks it is important for citizen legislators to ally with those who are seriously facing that reality. Ron’s manufacturing background has taught him to attack the root cause of a problem, not mere symptoms. He believes huge deficits, slow economic activity, high unemployment and woefully inadequate job creation are severe symptoms of the problem – but not the root cause. The ever expanding size, scope and cost of government is the real problem.

Senator Johnson serves on the committees on Appropriations, Budget, Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs and Aging. He resides in Oshkosh, Wisconsin with his wife Jane. They have three children.

Chairman Munisteri stated, "I am very pleased that we have been able to confirm Senator Johnson’s participation at our Convention Gala. Senator Johnson is one of our rising stars in the Republican Party. He has become a national favorite of Republicans as a champion for Conservative values of free enterprise, individual liberty and the Constitution. I have seen him numerous times on national talk shows and his story and views are compelling.”

Delegates and alternates may buy Gala Banquet tickets which are available online when you pre-register to attend the 2012 Texas GOP Convention in Fort Worth. Please visit the official website at to register. If you have already registered and wish to add Gala tickets to your registration please call Jennifer Stoner at 512.879.4054 or Yvonne Palmer at 512.879.4059. Seating at the banquet is limited and only 700 Gala tickets remain to be sold. The ticket prices start at $200 each - make sure to get yours now as they are selling fast!



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