Should We Hold an Article V Amendments Convention? A Debate
The topic of a “constitutional convention,” or more properly an amendments convention, convened by the states under Article V of the Constitution, is hotly disputed among people who want to limit government. Is it the only way to make things better, or could it lead to making things worse? Our two guests engage in a spirited debate in today’s episode.
About the Guests
Kevin Gutzman is chairman of the department of history at Western Connecticut State University. William Jasper is senior editor of The New American magazine.
Books by the Guests
James Madison and the Making of America, by Kevin Gutzman
Virginia’s American Revolution: From Dominion to Republic, 1776-1840, by Kevin Gutzman
Who Killed the Constitution? The Fate of American Liberty from World War I to Barack Obama, by Kevin Gutzman (with Tom Woods)
The Politically Incorrect Guide to the Constitution, by Kevin Gutzman
The United Nations Exposed, by William Jasper
Global Tyranny, Step by Step, by William Jasper
Compact for America
“Do We Need a New Constitutional Convention?” by Kevin Gutzman
“The New BBA Con-Con Threat” by Larry Greenley
“Con-Con Group Pens Another Historically Inaccurate Call for Convention” by Joe Wolverton, II, J.D.
“Working Together to Rewrite the Constitution” by Christian Gomez
“Nullification vs. Constitutional Convention: How to Save Our Republic” by Joe Wolverton, II, J.D.
“Is a Runaway Article V Convention a Myth? 1787 Proves Otherwise” by Thomas R. Eddlem