So You Want to Keep Your Vagina To Yourself?
Well, well, well. The state of Texas has been in the news quite a bit as of late, hasn't it? Some, but not all, of the attention was on the upcoming 2014 mid-term elections and who is running for what, or what I like to refer to it as political "silly season." The majority of the attention we've been getting nationally is from the age-old abortion debate. Pro-lifers and pro-choicers flocked to the Texas state capitol building to defend each of their stances on the now infamous HB2 that was just recently signed into law by Texas Governor Rick Perry.
The pro-choicers were loud and vocal and a bit hateful, I might add. They held signs emblazoned with images of uteri and tampons with the familiar phrase, "Come and Take It," which was made famous at the battle of Gonzales over the rights to a cannon. Heh. There were some other signs, too. One that said, "Keep the government out of my vagina," and other signs that were held by children that I don't care to repeat.
Now, let's keep in mind who we are dealing with: the liberal-leaning lefties. They stick to a narrative of "the government is going to take care of me," less personal responsibility, more free stuff! These are the people who elected Obama into office not once, but twice, kids! They don't want to own guns and they don't want anyone else to either. They are also advocates of Obamacare. Wait, what? Let's review, shall we?
Yes, Obamacare does provide access to abortions, so what's the big deal? Yes, Obamacare provides birth control as well, and that's something they want, too, right? Well, sure. Just one last thing here. They want to be able to "choose," right? Those that were chanting, "my body, my choice," think about what you're advocating and what you are actually going to get. Here's what I'm driving at: Obamacare does NOT give you the right to choose ANYTHING!
It doesn't give you the choice of doctor or of which plan you want, or even if you get to have a life saving procedure. We haven't even mentioned the lack of choices facing end of life decisions. Apparently death panels are alive and well here in Texas, and just imagine, if you will, those 16,000 new IRS agents that are going to implement Obamacare trying to decide if grandma lives or dies. What could possibly go wrong?
If all of these basic rights are being done away with within the framework of Obamacare, it certainly isn't going to give you the right to choose to keep your vagina to yourself! Hell, it doesn't even give those of us who don't want to participate in the insurance program the "right to choose" to opt out! The government is forcibly raping the American people financially and in every other way that you can think of. Last time I checked, "no" still means "no"!
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