Statements Of Support For H.R.3419, The Foreign Animal Disease Prevention, Surveillance, And Rapid Response Act Of 2023
Congressman Don Bacon: “We need to ensure that African Swine Fever, which has not reached the U.S. yet does not come here, and the Foreign Animal Disease Prevention Act Enhancement Act will help with that,” said Rep. Bacon. “The Swine Fever has been detected in the Dominican Republic and Haiti, and could cost the U.S. Swine industry, which Nebraska is a part of, $50 billion over ten years.”
Congresswoman Angie Craig: “In addition to our work to respond to the challenges American farmers and producers are facing each day, Congress needs to do more to prevent potential emergencies before they happen. I’m working with Democrats, Republicans and Minnesota family farmers to expand resources for animal disease prevention and management programs, and I’ll keep pushing to get this bill through the House.”
Congressman Jim Costa: “Protecting livestock operations and having the tools to prevent animal disease outbreak is critical to keeping our food supply chain intact. This legislation will boost our nation’s efforts to prevent, detect and respond to animal disease outbreaks that threaten American agriculture and therefore our nation.”
Statements of Support from Agricultural Stakeholders
Mark Barnett, President of the Livestock Marketing Association, and owner of Kentucky-Tennessee Livestock Market: “We appreciate Rep. Jackson being a champion for animal disease preparedness and response programs. I work with hundreds of livestock producers each week whose livelihoods could be put at risk by a disease emergency. This bill would provide critical funds for important work done through the vaccine bank, laboratories, and programs focused on planning for animal disease emergencies.”
Todd Wilkinson, President of the National Cattleman’s Beef Association, and South Dakota Cattle Producer: The threat of a foreign animal disease outbreak in the United States represents an existential threat to every cattle producer. It would also threaten this nation’s food and national security. We must act now to ensure we are prepared to combat a potential crisis before it happens. As a cattle producer, it is reassuring to see bipartisan support for legislation like the Foreign Animal Disease Prevention, Surveillance, and Rapid Response Act, which will help our industry prepare for, and ultimately prevent a national crisis.”
Dr. Lori Teller, American Veterinary Medical Association President: “Strengthening the country’s animal health infrastructure is necessary to help better prevent, prepare for, and respond to foreign animal diseases. The proposed legislation would allocate the appropriate resources to the National Animal Health Laboratory Network and other federal programs that are essential in protecting food security and public health through the ability to respond to high-consequence animal disease events. The AVMA supports this bill, and we urge Congress to provide this necessary protection for our country through the bipartisan Foreign Animal Disease Prevention, Surveillance, and Rapid Response Act of 2023.”
Russell Boening, Texas Farm Bureau (TFB) President: “Investing in animal health programs to prevent foreign animal diseases (FAD), such as foot-and-mouth disease (FMD), and African swine fever (ASF), is of critical importance. Increased international movements of livestock and humans pose a greater risk than ever before of introducing or spreading animal diseases. We applaud Senator John Cornyn and Congressman Ronny Jackson for leading this effort to provide tools and strategies to combat FADs, and we look forward to working with them to pass the Foreign Animal Disease Prevention, Surveillance, and Rapid Response Act.”
Ted McKinney, CEO, National Association of State Departments of Agriculture (NASDA): “An outbreak of a foreign animal disease could cripple the entire agricultural sector with long-lasting ramifications for the economic viability of U.S. livestock and poultry production. State departments of agriculture are often the first line of defense in responding to animal disease outbreaks. As we have seen with the recent outbreak of high pathogenic avian influenza and with the emerging threat of African swine fever, the time is now to reinvest in these critical animal disease preparedness programs. NASDA supports the Foreign Animal Disease Prevention, Surveillance, and Rapid Response Act of 2023 to help ensure farmers, ranchers, state and federal entities and industry stakeholders have the resources and tools available to effectively prevent, mitigate and respond to animal diseases.”
Michael Bezner, Chairman of the Texas Cattle Feeders Association: “Increased investments to enhance disease surveillance, secure beef supply plans for cattle feeders, and expansion of the vaccine bank for foreign animal diseases will significantly increase resiliency of the U.S. cattle and beef production supply chain. TCFA supports the Foreign Animal Disease Prevention, Surveillance, and Rapid Response Act of 2023 and we appreciate Senator Cornyn’s and Representative Jackson’s leadership to advance this bipartisan legislation in collaboration with other members of Congress.”
Scott Hays, President, National Pork Producer Council President, and Missouri Pork Producer: “We appreciate the introduction of this critical legislation to protect animal health. With threats of African swine fever and other foreign animal diseases to livestock and poultry industries, having these provisions in the farm bill will ensure the U.S. remains positioned to deliver safe and affordable food to consumers worldwide.”
Leslee Oden, Senior Vice President of Legislative Affairs, National Turkey Foundation: “Animal health and disease response are essential to all facets of the agriculture community. As highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) continues to evolve and affect the turkey industry, now more than ever, Congress must act to protect the tools and funding necessary to bolster the United States' response to animal disease. The National Turkey Federation urges Congress to act swiftly in passing this legislation to protect the poultry industry’s ability to produce healthy turkeys and provide wholesome, nutritious turkey products to consumers everywhere.”
Bryan Boner, President, American Sheep Industry Association: "Funding the Animal Health Protection Act is vital to protecting the U.S. sheep flock from the threat of foot-and-mouth disease. Investing in the programs funded by the Act, such as the national vaccine bank and animal disease preparedness planning, are critical for preventing FMD from entering the U.S. and minimizing the impacts on the U.S. sheep industry should an FMD outbreak were to happen."