Stop the Corporate Welfare
Call members of the House Economic and Small Business Development committee and let them know we’re serious about eliminating corporate welfare and unnecessary spending in Texas – let’s get HB 465 a hearing and let’s get HB 466 passed (of course if HB 465 passed, HB 466 would be unnecessary).
Chairman John Davis (512)463-0734
Vice Chairman Hubert Vo (512)463-0568
Rep. Rodney Anderson (512)463-0694
Rep. Borris Miles (512)463-0518
Rep. Jim Murphy (512)463-0514
Rep. Ron Reynolds (512)463-0494
Rep. Kenneth Sheets (512)463-0244
Only two Republicans voted against the proposed budget. We Texans commends Freshman Rep. David Simpson and Rep. Aaron Pena who cast those dissenting votes. According to the Texas Observer, consistent with my own conversations with Mr. Simpson, “…the Tea Party representative voted against the bill. He said he decided against it when he saw ‘half billion dollars going to corporate welfare instead of the weak among us.’ In particular, he wanted to see funding decreased for corporate incentives, like the film incentives and the governor’s Enterprise Fund, in favor of schools and health care.” Newly minted Republican Aaron Pena was the only other dissenting Republican vote.
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