Why I Don't Support the Government Funding Bill
I released the following statement Thursday as to why I did not vote on the Consideration of Senate Amendment to H.R. 5305 Extending Government Funding and Delivering Emergency Assistance Act:
Today I was unable to vote on the Continuing Resolution due to being at an important hearing outside of the District of Columbia on behalf of a highly decorated Marine who is currently confined. The Democrats had a conclusive number of votes to pass the bill in the House of Representatives and my recorded vote of “no” would unfortunately not change the outcome. However, with the liberties of an American patriot and service member, Lieutenant Colonel (LTC) Stuart Scheller, hanging in the balance, I came to his assistance to testify in person on his behalf.
When a member of Congress with my prior experience can potentially help someone who has repeatedly risked his life for our nation, it seems I have a duty to fight for the liberty and rights of all American citizens. A weighty decision had to be made, but protecting the legal rights and liberties of Americans, particularly one who has sacrificed so much, was the only choice to make. It is unfortunate that Democrats continue to spend at unsustainable levels and without any appreciation of the fact that their irresponsibility today jeopardizes the freedom of all Americans- those living today as well as those not even born yet.