You Are Invited to Join the RPT and Our Statewide Candidates for an Election Night Victory Party with Musical Guest Pat Green
Republican Party of Texas - Over the past year and a half, the Republican Party of Texas has opened nearly 10 fully staffed Victory offices across the entire state in an effort to prove to Obama's operatives that no amount of D.C. money can turn Texas blue. Over this time, we have recruited thousands of volunteers to contact millions of voters and polls are showing, yet again, that Texans want conservative Republicans to lead our state.
Come watch the election returns with us on election night in Austin with our nominees for statewide office including Greg Abbott for Governor, Senator John Cornyn, George P. Bush for Land Commissioner, Ryan Sitton for Railroad Commissioner, Sid Miller for Agriculture Commisser, and joined by Senator Ted Cruz, Governor Rick Perry, Victory Chairman Christi Craddick, and Texas country music legend, Pat Green.
WHERE: ACL Live at The Moody Theater
ADDRESS: 310 Willie Nelson Blvd, Austin, TX 78701
WHEN: Election Night, Tuesday, November 4th
Doors open at 7 p.m. Program begins at 8:30 p.m.
Click on the button below to RSVP today.
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