Young Republican Leaders Elected to Texas GOP Party Leadership

The Texas-shaped confetti has been swept up, the rally signs packed up, and the thunder sticks tucked away as the Republican Party of Texas (RPT) has wrapped up another colorful convention in Ft. Worth. Along with the receptions and luncheons, the delegates participated in business gatherings and caucus meetings. There was much business to conduct in these meetings including electing or re-electing new State Republican Executive Committee (SREC) members.

The delegates from each senate district elect a committeeman and a committeewoman to attend the quarterly SREC meetings and represent the senate district. These SREC members also serve as liaisons to their respected SDs and inform their constituents of party news and events. Each of the SREC members from the thirty-one State Senatorial districts will serve a two-year term on the SREC. This Committee, along with the elected State Chair and State Vice Chair, manage the affairs of the Republican Party of Texas between state conventions.

Two members of the newly-elected SREC are leaders in the Texas Young Republican Federation. Mike Goldman, president of the Austin Young Republicans will be serving SD 21, which stretches from Travis County to Laredo. President of the Dallas Young Republicans, Jonathan Boos, was re-elected to SD 23. “It is exciting to see two of our Young Republicans – Mike Goldman and Jonathan Boos – now on the SREC,” says RPT Youth Outreach Coordinator, Rachel Wilson. “Getting involved in the Party by becoming a member of the SREC or being a delegate to the State Convention is the best way for your voice to be heard and promote real change from within the Party,” she says. “We encourage young people to participate in these roles to make their voice heard and shape the Party going forward.”

As president of the Austin YRs, Goldman, an attorney and policy advisor on Texans for Greg Abbott has already put his leadership skills to work. He has been tirelessly working to grow not only his Young Republican chapter, but assist with the party’s outreach efforts as well. “As president of the Austin Young Republicans, I am proud to be a voice for our age group on the Texas State Republican Executive Committee,” says Goldman. “Working with our allies, including the Republican Women, College and High School Republicans, and the Hispanic Republicans of Texas, we can keep Texas Red for our rising generation, and those to come. I will spend the next two years bringing our message of outreach and inclusion to South Texas and the Austin area!”

Jonathan Boos, was re-elected to the SREC during the 2014 RPT convention. Boos, a Dallas attorney has been serving as president of Dallas YRs, one of the largest and most active YR chapters, since 2012. Boos was previously elected to the SREC in a special election. His distract encompasses the Dallas area.

Texas Young Republican Federation, an official auxiliary of the Republican Party of Texas and is affiliated with the Young Republican National Federation. The organization is comprised of Texans age 18 to 40 years old who identify with conservative values. For more information, please visit


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