Put simply: We are for limited government that works. At TexasGOPVote, we will work as a watchdog to help our state lawmakers and our congressional delegation pull in the reins on unnecessary spending and government bureaucracy. You better believe we’ll expose politicians who seek to act outside the bounds set by the Forefathers in the Constitutions of Texas and the United States.
April 3rd, 2013
The sequester has forced many branches of our armed forces to stop their college tuition aid programs for active duty troops and vets, but it hasn’t slowed obama’s cash outlay to questionable organizations and countries.In...
April 2nd, 2013
Everybody remembers the "fiscal cliff" situation at the federal level not long ago. In the debates, Republicans wanted to cut spending, while Democrats wanted higher revenues (taxes) in order to maintain (and even increase)...
March 29th, 2013
Louisiana Congressman Charles Boustany, M.D. made waves this week after publicly criticizing voter registration functions in Obamacare application drafts – leading to an emerging debate as to whether such options should be...
March 28th, 2013
The following was sent in from Weston Martinez, President of the Texas Freedom PAC:Obama National Field Director Jeremy Bird held a Castro love fest a few weeks ago in San Antonio to ignite the Democrat base for Battleground...
March 27th, 2013
Voting is a right; marriage is not. The case of Hollingsworth v. Perry currently before the Supreme Court raises the question of whether California’s restriction on gay marriage is constitutional. However, a...
March 25th, 2013
My grandmother always said, "Hope for the best, but plan for the worst." It is smart advice that federal agency heads should have followed in preparation for the sequester. Unfortunately, most didnt. Despite knowing...
March 23rd, 2013
This week, House Republicans passed our fiscal year 2014 budget plan, “The Path to Prosperity.” This responsible budget proposal lays out a vision for restoring our nation’s economic vitality through reforms that will...
March 22nd, 2013
I voted to pass the House Republican budget, The Path to Prosperity, developed by House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan. This legislation will reduce spending by $4.6 trillion and balances the federal budget in ten years...
March 21st, 2013
Hearings are nothing new in bankruptcy courts, or any other courts for that matter, but a hearing held this month in Judge Robert Gerber's court in the Southern District of New York could have a dramatic impact on the...
March 19th, 2013
The History Channel mini-series Vikings begins with a conflict that all societies deal with: the conflict between the entrepreneurial spirit who thinks outside the box and the establishment that seeks to keep the...
April 3rd, 2013
NRCC - At taxpayer expense, President Obama is traveling to San Francisco today for his first fundraising tour of the 2014 cycle and to make good on his promise to make Nancy Pelosi Speaker once again.
April 1st, 2013
Overweight dump trucks, garbage haulers and oilfield trucks (just to name a few) are taking roads in Texas that are designed to last 20-30 years are being reduced to rubble and potholes in less than 10. This is causing such...
March 28th, 2013
With each new day comes new revelations concerning Obama and his administration–each piece of news more chilling than the previous.News that has been leaked for some time now tells of a massive arms build up–1.6 BILLION...
March 28th, 2013
The markets are soaring and the economy continues its snail like pace toward recovery, but as Morton Zuckerman recently noted, it is the "Great Recession followed by the Grand Illusion." Zuckerman begins with the...
March 25th, 2013
If a newly independent child asked his Mom or Dad for advice about how to handle his money, many parents might urge him to pay his core expenses first. Pay your rent and utility bills first, many parents would suggest, and...
March 24th, 2013
DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz claims that the sequester is so extreme that her staff members are not able to get a good meal.Which begs the question…Since Ms. Wasserman Schultz’s staffers' salaries range from $60,000...
March 22nd, 2013
I introduced H.R. 1253, the Sequester Pakistan Act, which will freeze all foreign aid to Pakistan until the Military Tuition Assistance Program of the Department of Defense is fully funded. This important program provides...
March 22nd, 2013
CPAC 2013 included some controversy, which resulted in the team sponsoring a hastily organized session on Saturday afternoon that featured a panel of prominent thought leaders on the American Right who were “...
March 21st, 2013
This is Part II (if you will) of my stance on the Second Amendment, spurred by the recent news from Cyprus. Thankfully the most recent reports say that their government is backing off their proposition, but my argument still...
March 18th, 2013
Each year, the Census Bureau mails a survey to 3 million Americans. Separate from the decennial Census, which is required under the Constitution to count the population, this mandatory survey - the American Community Survey...