Highlights from Kevin Brady Town Hall Speech

Representative Kevin Brady (TX-8) has held over 43 town hall meetings this past month discussing health care reform and giving his reasons for voting against the bill. Congressman Brady's entire health care town hall meeting in Livingston, TX can be viewed on CSPAN, but here are some of the highlights.

  • The Speaker of the House claims it is "Un-American" to challenge your law makers about the provisions of the health care bill, HR 3200.
  • Congressman Brady offered an amendment stating that members of Congress have to certify that they have read the bill. This was shot down and called a "bad idea."
  • An amendment was offered saying that if the bill is so good, then Congress should use the healthcare plan. This amendment was defeated because "members of Congress need choices."
  • This bill will cost an estimated $ 1.5 trillion. $37 billion of this will come from increased business taxes and $500 billion will come from cuts to Medicare and Medicaid.
  • There will be sizable penalties to individuals and employers who don't obtain coverage.
  • Congressman Brady offered an amendment saying the increase in small business taxes should be taken out of the bill. This amendment was defeated because "small businesses have had it too easy their whole life."

This bill will wreak havoc on the American way of life. Instead of end of life counseling, we will need end of job counseling! We will have fewer doctors and have to wait longer to be treated. Contact your Congressman and let them know how you feel about this HR 3200!

Click here to view Congressman Brady's government-run healthcare chart.


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