Are Federation of Americans for Immigration Reform (FAIR), NumbersUSA, and Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) Really Playing the GOP for a Bunch of Suckers? SPIES IN THE CAMP - Part III – NumbersUSA

FAIR has been successful in manipulating the masses by creating spin-off groups such as NumbersUSA and The Center for Immigration Studies (“CIS”). Most people are unaware of the ties between John Tanton and NumbersUSA’s leader, Roy Beck. However, it was John Tanton’s non-profit organization, US Inc. that spawned NumbersUSA.

  • Despite being the Washington, DC, editor of John Tanton’s The Social Contract Press, Roy Beck, founder of NumbersUSA, denies any strong connection to Tanton and Tanton’s brand of population control environmentalism. However, Beck showed his true colors when, in May 2000, he co-authored a paper entitled The Environmental Movement’s Retreat from Advocating U.S. Population Stabilization (1970–1998): A First Draft of History, in which Beck advocates “family planning”.
  • In fact, since 2002, Roy Beck has been actively distancing himself from Tanton and FAIR in an effort to gain credibility.
  • Both FAIR and NumbersUSA have been successful in pretending to share the values of the conservative movement, playing on immigration fears, in order to co-opt conservatives to adopt the FAIR and NumbersUSA stance on immigration – all the while never revealing the true agendas of the two groups’ founders – agendas which are tied to environmental sustainability through population control.

Is NumbersUSA Really Playing the GOP for a Bunch of Suckers?

Even the beloved conservative warrior, Eagle Forum President and Pro-Life champion Phyllis Schlafly has been duped by NumbersUSA. Schlafly and Beck were in lock step at a CPAC convention several years ago and have remained in close contact since. More recently, the pair was spotted, along with Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach, conspiring against a guest worker program during the Platform Committee meeting at the 2012 Republican National Convention in Tampa, Florida (see photo at top right). Due to pro-life conservatives’ efforts to oppose Beck, Schlafly, and Kobach, the trio’s efforts were unsuccessful and the guest worker plank passed out of the Platform Committee and is now a key piece of the RNC’s 2012 Platform.

“Oddly the renowned pro-life group, Eagle Forum, headed by Phyllis Schlafly, seen in this picture (above) conferring with Kris Kobach and environmentalist/pro-abortion/zero-population advocate Roy Beck at the 2012 RNC Convention platform committee meeting, have been sucked in by these organizations that support the very antithesis of her own group's battle against abortion. Roy Beck was personally mentored and his group was financially backed by John Tanton who was the founder and past president of Michigan Planned Parenthood.”  - Bob Price, TexasGOPVote.

Norman E. Adams, CIC
Co-Founder Texans for Sensible Immigration Policy 

Related Content:

Are Federation of Americans for Immigration Reform (FAIR), NumbersUSA, and Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) Really Playing the GOP for a Bunch of Suckers? SPIES IN THE CAMP - Part I

Are Federation of Americans for Immigration Reform (FAIR), NumbersUSA, and Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) Really Playing the GOP for a Bunch of Suckers? SPIES IN THE CAMP - Part II – FAIR

Are Federation of Americans for Immigration Reform (FAIR), NumbersUSA, and Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) Really Playing the GOP for a Bunch of Suckers? SPIES IN THE CAMP - Part IV – CIS

Are Federation of Americans for Immigration Reform (FAIR), NumbersUSA, and Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) Really Playing the GOP for a Bunch of Suckers? SPIES IN THE CAMP - Part V – Show Me the Money!


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