Republican Party of Texas Adopts a Platform Including Guest Worker Program for Immigrants
Once again, Texas Republicans show leadership on the issue of immigration reform. Friday night, in Fort Worth, Texas, the Republican Party of Texas (RPT) took a historic step toward finding solutions for our nation’s broken immigration policies. Since Monday, members of the Platform Committee heard testimony from a wide variety of people on the issues of border security and immigration reform. Most nights working until all who wanted to speak were able to do so. The result is a new plank in the platform of the party called “The Texas Solution”.
The concept behind this solution is to provide a practical set of guiding conservative principles to define potential solutions to these issues. It then puts the burden of details on the legislators at the state and federal level to create and implement real solutions.
The Texas Solution points out the failure of the federal government to live up to one of its primary constitutional duties - defending the borders of this nation. It recognizes that mass deportation is not an equitable, nor practical solution to decades of the government’s ignoring the enforcement of immigration law. Nor is amnesty a reasonable or acceptable solution. This is an important step for the party as we continue to reach out to conservative Hispanics across Texas. Prior versions of the platform were used by Democrats to create a false impression that Republicans were both anti-immigrant and anti-Hispanic. Nothing could be further from the truth.
The plank calls for the federal government to secure the border. It calls for a practical approach to applying technology and manpower to ending the lawlessness that exists along our borders. It demands safety and security for all Americans living along the border and across Texas.
The plank calls on the government to create an effective and secure guest worker program and an update for long outdated Social Security card. The guest worker program should be created in a way that will be self-funding. It would require criminal background checks of all applicants. Applicants applying who have prior immigration offenses would be required to pay a fine. Applicants, and their employers, would have to prove they can provide adequate health insurance. They would not be entitled to any form of public entitlement programs.
In order for the program to work properly, applicants would be issued a biometric identification card that would track all address changes in addition to criminal and civil court appearances. They would also only be allowed to work for employers who properly classify them as employees and who will withhold taxes and match social security taxes.
Art Martinez de Vara speaking in opposition to a motion to amend the language of the 2012 immigration plank
Nelson Spear, Brad Bailey, Norman Adams, Steven Hotze, and Allen Blakemore smiling after the 2012 immigration plank had passed. Thanks for all your hard work!
This is a bold step for the Republican Party of Texas. For several years, people across Texas have been working hard to bring the conservative message of the Republican Party to conservative Hispanics around the state, particularly in South Texas where the Republican Party is expanding rapidly. People like Aaron Peña and J.M. Lozano have shown the way through their brave decision to switch to the Republican Party. Candidates like Adela Garza, running for Congress in the newly created 34 District and Miriam Martinez running for the Texas Legislature are proving voters in South Texas with a real choice in elections in South Texas.
This plank in the platform reflects a consensus of people from a wide variety of backgrounds. These people came together and expressed frustration about the status quo where nothing is being done to move a solution forward. Texas, once again, leads the way and brings forward a true solution to the long standing problems of border security and illegal immigration.
Thank you to the hard work of individuals such as Norman Adams, Art Martinez de Vara, Brad Bailey, and Nelson Spear for working so tirelessly to get this plank passed!
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SOME things that need to be critically observed by all Americans, specifically for those who want to see an end to the travesty called illegal immigration. First on the agenda is the fact that the miles of constructed border fence that Homeland Security says they have covered, is a downright lie and is misleading to the public. Just go to AMERICAN PATROL website and you can identify where the fence is, and where it doesn’t exist. Whether it’s Arizona, California, New Mexico or Texas the cost for not securing the border is staggering. TODAY it’s in every taxpayer best interest to get rid of the pro-illegal alien legislators, who come from both sides of Congress and throw them out. THAT includes the state assemblies that genuflect to the business, corporate and all special interest organizations. THEY are the ones subverting our hard earned money in subsidizing illegal aliens and their children. Both parties are untrustworthy and only the emerging growing membership of the TEA PARTY can stop this adversity to our liberties, freedoms and following the edicts of the U.S. Constitution.
H.R. 2885 - Already well sponsored is Mandatory E-Verify, which was initially sponsored by Senator Lamar Smith of Texas. The bill entitled ‘The Legal Workforce Bill’ (H.R.2885) has been blocked by House speaker, John Boehner of Ohio and Dave Camp of Michigan, who is Chairman of the powerful Ways and Means Committee. Americans must insist these lawmakers. E-Verify have gained a success rate nationwide, but are still only voluntary. We must insist both parties place (H.R.2885) to be presented on the house floor without delay. Millions of Americans that remain jobless would benefit highly from mandatory E-Verify. This computer based government application can detect illegal workers and reject them from every business—large and small—with heavy punishment for indifferent company owners. Farmers are just as incorrigible as they pay little or nothing towards the illegal aliens they employ, leaving the medical treatment, schooling and welfare benefits for the state taxpayer to cover.
H.R.140 - The Birthright Citizenship Act introduced by Rep. Steve King would end Birthright Citizenship, requiring that at least one parent of a child born in the United States be a U.S. citizen or legal permanent resident. The U.S. is one of only two developed nations (Canada) to still offer Birthright Citizenship. This is a hundred billion dollar expenditure for taxpayers Smuggled children that inherit instant citizenship through misguided laws, which have not been tested in the Supreme Court. Another unfunded mandate, that is part of uncompensated mandates such as education through high school graduation, free health treatments from the common cold to expensive surgeries paid by YOU. An overcrowded prison system full of criminal aliens that is to blame for high percentages of wicked acts in the U.S. Then a profusion of welfare programs manipulated by both parties, giving access to programs, denied to our citizens and legal residents.
These two laws on their own would save over $ annually? No! I’m not talking about millions, but billions that are cleverly extracted through taxes. Similarly little is said about the $ that leaves this country by wire transfer to foreign banks. Another astronomical payout would be if the Democrats, Liberals and the Republicans passed an amnesty. The cost according to the Heritage Foundation would be in the region of $2.4000.000.000.000, to complete the processing and the whole carnival once again on the backs of taxpayers.
These new amendments will be useful to the state of Arizona and all 50 states, with many convulsing under the Department of justice lawsuits, and the relentless financial bombardment of illegal aliens settled around the country. No matter the outcome of the U.S. Supreme Court, these laws and amendments passed by Congress could begin a major mass departure of foreign nationals.
There is a short list of premier contenders for second place, but Marco Rubio is held in high esteem and would bring a polarized bloc of Hispanics to the voting booth? Nobody is positive on the outcome of where the largest majority of LEGAL Hispanics stand, but the highest priority should be EMPLOYMENT, economy and the ‘Rule of Law’, and then they should be drawn to the Constitutionality of the TEA PARTY leadership? Not excluded is the African American community, who have ostracized by business owners, especially the teens who in the last ten years have been hit hard, by the illegal immigrant domination of start-up jobs. Even the general Caucasian young American has been alienated by the same discount labor and under the table labor wages, so millions of school population remains unemployed?
Years of planned encouragement by both political parties, has erupted in a major response from anti-illegal alien organizations, including NumbersUSA, Americans for Legal Immigration (ALIPAC), The Heritage foundation, The Federation for Immigration Reform, Judicial Watch and thousands of more groups, blogs available to all readers across the Internet. Let your Senator or Congressman/Women know that they are not eligible for your vote if you discover they are pampering the millions of invaders who have settled here illegally--phone DC. , Switchboard at 202-224-3121 Demand also that your state adopts a voter ID law, so no non citizens, illegal aliens or felons can manipulate the elections impending, including the Presidential vote.
November Voting
After never missing a vote for almost 50 years, I will be sitting this one out. Texans have been betrayed by the Texas GOP in favor of illegal aliens. So why vote? "better the devil you know, than the devil you don't know"
RPT 2012 State Convention/Revision of Party Platform RE: Amnesty