Attend the "Una Nacion Under God: A Dialogue" Event at the Capitol April 6th

An important statewide conference will be taking place in the beautiful Texas State Capitol from 10 AM to – 3 PM on Saturday April 6th, at the Capitol Grill (enter in the main capitol building).

The theme of the event is: Una Nacion Under God: A Dialogue, which is designed to impact the national debate with a focus on Hispanic conservative values and on the need to engage Hispanics on conservative answers to current issues, including the need to have a guest worker visa.

The speakers and panel participants are distinguished state and national leaders who will speak, interact with one another, and interact with the audience to achieve a common understanding of the path ahead for our country and our state. The MC will be Adryana Boyne, National Director of VOCES Action. It promises to be a stimulating and thought provoking day and will include lunch.

This event is being organized by VOCES Action and co-hosted and sponsored by the San Antonio Tea Party, Conservatives in Action, Agriculture Commissioner Todd Staples, Nelson and Nancy Spear, Ivan Andarza, TexasGOPVote and VOTO Honesto.

Please RSVP by emailing Sharon Hall at [email protected].

The event is free to confirmed attendees, but donations will be appreciated via



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