Texas Patriots PAC makes recommendations in Texas Senate District 4 race
Texas Patriots PAC makes recommendations in Senate District 4 Race
(The Woodlands, Texas) –Texas Patriots PAC, a non-partisan Tea Party organization dedicated to the election of candidates who share their core values of constitutionally limited government, free markets, and fiscal responsibility, announced a joint recommendation for Senate District 4 of candidates Gordy Bunch, Brandon Creighton, and Steve Toth. The TPP voter guide will also include a statement describing the greatest strengths of each recommended candidate. Texas Patriots PAC president Julie Turner commented, “Our vetting committee’s decision on our position in this race was unanimous. This process was time consuming, deliberate, and prayerful and we arrived at a statement that we could all support. Our stance in this race not only honors the contribution of the candidates but also their supporters who feel an investment in the PAC and our actions, and also helps people make their best decision when they have little information.”
The next legislative session presents conservatives with the best chance to advance the conservative agenda.
Using the momentum from his first election, President Obama passed much of his agenda during his first two years in office. He has not been legislatively effective since. If Dan Patrick becomes our next Lt. Governor, the key elected official in the Legislature, he will enter office with significant momentum. Texas conservatives will have their best opportunity to implement much of the conservative agenda that has been blocked in Austin for years. It is critically important that the man we elect to complete the two plus years of Senator Tommy Williams’ unfinished term be able to lead and advocate conservative efforts to capitalize on this unique opportunity.
Senate District 4 voters have three outstanding conservative choices.
All three meet the Texas Patriots PAC criteria for recommendation and have received our support in their past elections. All three are fiscal and social conservatives, pro-life, pro-traditional marriage, with strong conservative voting records, and credible paths to victory. The fourth candidate in this race has not mounted a serious campaign with a reasonable chance of winning, which is one of our requirements for recommendation.
Gordy Bunch is a remarkably successful insurance expert and entrepreneur.
Gordy’s insurance skills and budgeting capabilities contributed greatly to one of the most efficiently run small cities in Texas. It is paying off debt, setting aside funds to replace roads, buildings and equipment, and reducing both real estate taxes and the tax rate. His expert knowledge in Coastal Windstorm Insurance would be an invaluable asset to the Senate resolving this difficult issue. He has served two years on The Woodlands Township Board of Directors, four years in the Coast Guard, and is the founder and owner of one of the largest privately owned insurance agencies in Texas. (Age 41)
Brandon Creighton is the most experienced legislator with the greatest legislative skills.
Brandon was vital to passage of tort reform and blocking the expansion of Medicaid/Obamacare in Texas. He creatively used House rules to keep conservative legislation from being killed by Democrats and moderate Republicans. He transformed the Republican Caucus Chair (in the last session) from a titular position into one that effectively countered bad legislation by coordinating with conservative legislators. He has served four terms in the Texas House, is a rancher, commercial real estate broker, attorney, and successful entrepreneur. (Age 44)
Steve Toth has a natural ability to message through the mass media with national exposure.
Steve is an ordained minister and small businessman. He is an outspoken social and fiscal conservative as well as a vocal opponent of human trafficking. He is best known for his work in passing the Firearms Protection Act in the House, arguing on the basis of the 2nd and 10th Amendments. He also successfully fought CSCOPE implementation. He has served one term in the Texas House where he was among the conservatives who worked with the Caucus Chair to effectively counter bad legislation. He owns a small business and is a teacher and elder at WoodsEdge Community Church. (Age 53)
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