Ebola Crisis At Home
Photo Courtesy of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform
I want to update you on what I have been doing regarding Ebola in America. I am grateful our prayers have been answered and the two brave nurses who treated the first Ebola patient at Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital have been found to be Ebola free. Unfortunately, we have not solved the Ebola crisis yet.
News of a confirmed case of Ebola in our country’s largest metropolitan hub, New York City, reiterates the need outlined in a letter to President Obama that I co-signed (along with many members of the Texas delegation) calling for the implementation of an immediate travel ban to and from the Ebola afflicted countries of Liberia, Sierra Leone, and Guinea. I take the health and safety of the American people very seriously and believe it is best to err on the side of caution. An immediate travel ban is the only way we can make sure the disease does not spread to American and remains contained so that health officials abroad can better manage the situation. I would rather err on the side of caution than to not err at all.
This past Friday, I traveled back to Washington, D.C. to participate in a hearing held by the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform (OGR). During the hearing I was able to voice my concerns and grill Administration officials about travel bans, the safety of the military personnel charged with building infrastructure in afflicted countries, and address the finger pointing I witnessed at the Homeland Security field hearing I attended in Dallas. What concerned me the most was when the Center for Disease Control (CDC) threw the nurses under the bus by saying they did not follow proper protocol when handling patient zero in Dallas. My wife Debbie is a nurse, and I have the utmost respect for medical professionals who risk their lives in dealing with deadly infectious diseases such as Ebola.
Finally, my colleague and dear friend, US Representative Trey Gowdy (R-SC) and I voiced our disapproval during the OGR hearing of the appointment of the Ebola Czar, Ron Klain. I believe Klain's appointment was a political move by the Obama Administration. Mr. Klain has no background in medicine or epidemiology, but rather is someone who has spun the media in favor of the Democrats. I do not believe we are being told the whole truth about Ebola and I will continue to push for answers on behalf of the people I represent.
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