Walker is Innocent
Democrats are giddy over the unsealing of “secret” documents that charge Scott Walker with an involvement in a criminal scheme, but all this showed either the media bias or simply their ignorance. First thing to understand, two judges have ordered the investigation to be shut down and there is no evidence that there was a “criminal enterprise” conducted by Governor Walker. The second thing to understand, this was a blatant attempt by Democrats in Wisconsin to shut down conservative organizations in their effort to defeat Scott Walker in 2014 and if that fails, destroy his Presidential ambition. This was designed to shut down free speech of conservative groups.
Just read how Judge Rudolph Randa described the John Doe investigation:
“Early in the morning of October 3, 2013, armed officers raided the homes of R.J. Johnson, WCFG advisor Deborah Jordahl, and several other targets across the state. ECF No. 5-15, O‘Keefe Declaration, ¶ 46. Sheriff deputy vehicles used bright floodlights to illuminate the targets‘ homes. Deputies executed the search warrants, seizing business papers, computer equipment, phones, and other devices, while their targets were restrained under police supervision and denied the ability to contact their attorneys. Among the materials seized were many of the Club‘s records that were in the possession of Ms. Jordahl and Mr. Johnson. The warrants indicate that they were executed at the request of GAB investigator Dean Nickel.
On the same day, the Club‘s accountants and directors, including O‘Keefe, received subpoenas demanding that they turn over more or less all of the Club‘s records from March 1, 2009 to the present. The subpoenas indicated that their recipients were subject to a Secrecy Order, and that their contents and existence could not be disclosed other than to counsel, under penalty of perjury. The subpoenas’ list of advocacy groups indicates that all or nearly all right-of-center groups and individuals in Wisconsin who engaged in issue advocacy from 2010 to the present are targets of the investigation…The defendants are pursuing criminal charges through a secret John Doe investigation against the plaintiffs for exercising issue advocacy speech rights that on their face are not subject to the regulations or statutes the defendants seek to enforce. This legitimate exercise of O‘Keefe‘s rights as an individual, and WCFG‘s rights as a 501(c)(4) corporation, to speak on the issues has been characterized by the defendants as political activity covered by Chapter 11 of the Wisconsin Statutes, rendering the plaintiffs a subcommittee of the Friends of Scott Walker and requiring that money spent on such speech be reported as an in-kind campaign contribution. This interpretation is simply wrong."
Judge Randa described Gestapo tactics used against conservative groups nor was there no evidence that there was any coordination between Walker campaign and these groups and their rights to do issue advocacy was constitutionally protected and could not be the basis of a criminal investigation!
Judge Randa concluded that Democratic partisan prosecutors were wrong on the law and there was no chance of getting any conviction. The investigation was designed to harass conservatives and deny them their first amendment rights! While Wisconsin Democrats were harassing conservatives, Democrat activists within the IRS were harassing conservative groups and conservative donors on a national level.
So what the national media reported was nothing more than unproven accusations made by partisan prosecutors who abuse their power and rejected by a state and Federal judge. What this shows is what happens when public officials are willing to ignore basic liberties to keep power.
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