Millions Of Americans Watched A US Senate Session With Growing Pride

How many years has it been since a Senate session was riveting and awe-inspiring? Far too many. But Rand Paul was cheered by most in attendance when he finally yielded the floor after nearly 13 hours. It was applause for Senator Paul, who maintained statesmen-like and gentlemanly demeanor throughout the filibuster, and applause for the triumph of our Constitution.

Paul was assured by AG Holder (an official who is never applauded by Constitutionalists in America) that “the president cannot use a drone to kill non-combatant American on US Soil.”

Rand Paul responded to the communication, “For 13 hours, yesterday, we asked him that question, so there is a result and a victory. Under duress and under public humiliation the White House will respond and do the right thing.”

Bravo Senator Rand Paul! Bravo!

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