True the Vote Hosts Two-Day National Summit to Strengthen U.S. Election Process on April 12-13 in Houston, TX
The following is being released by True the Vote:
WHO/WHAT: True the Vote, a citizen-led initiative to promote fair and free elections, will host its third annual two-day summit on Friday, April 12, and Saturday, April 13, 2013 in Houston, TX. This year's summit, themed "The Power of Citizen Engagement," will focus on the upcoming challenges facing Americans as we near the 2013-14 election cycle and review the enormous lessons learned in 2012.
The summit will bring together citizens from more than 20 states and nationally known experts and bipartisan speakers, and feature video presentations by Texas Governor Rick Perry; U.S. Senator John Cornyn (TX); U.S. Senator Ted Cruz (TX); South Carolina Attorney General Alan Wilson; President of The Heritage Foundation and former U.S. Senator, Jim DeMint; Alfonzo Rachel, host of ZoNation on Pajamas Media TV; and others. Panels will discuss the 2012 elections, national issues and trends, the latest research, legislative updates, and training methods to help interested citizen leaders strengthen the election process.
Speakers will include:
- Catherine Engelbrecht - Founder and President, True the Vote
- John Fund - Author of Stealing Elections | Columnist, National Review
- The Honorable Rosario Marin - 41st Treasurer of the United States (2001-2003)
- The Honorable Scott Gessler - Secretary of State, Colorado
- The Honorable Kris Kobach - Secretary of State, Kansas
- The Honorable Matt Schultz - Secretary of State, Iowa
- The Honorable Don Palmer - Secretary, Virginia State Board of Elections
- Dr. Victor Manuel Guerra - Executive Director, Federal Election Institute, Mexico
- Hans Von Spakovsky - Senior Legal Fellow, The Heritage Foundation | Former Federal Elections Commissioner
- C.L. Bryant - Pastor, Filmmaker | Author, "Runaway Slave" | Former President, NAACP TX Chapter
- Cleta Mitchell - Political Law Attorney | Partner, Foley & Lardner
- The Honorable Francisco Canseco - Former U.S. Congressman | Chairman of the Board, Voces Action
- Tom Fitton - President, Judicial Watch
- Christian Adams - Author of Injustice | Former Elections Attorney with Department of Justice Election Law Center | Publisher, Pajamas Media Writer
- Anita MonCrief - ACORN Whistleblower| Publisher, Emerging Corruption
- KCarl Smith - Author & Founder of The ConservativeMESSENGER |
- Founder, Frederick Douglass Republicans Movement
- Rafael Cruz - Pastor | Professor | Father of U.S. Senator Ted Cruz
- Adryana Boyne - Director of Development, True the Vote's " Voto Honesto " program
- Bethany Bowra - Founder, Next Generation Voters
- Tanner Brumbarger - Founder, High School Conservative National Bloggers Club - Empowering Citizen Journalists | 2012 BlogBash Blogger of the Year
Others TBA
WHEN: 5 p.m. Friday, April 12, 2013 - 4 p.m. Saturday, April 13, 2013. Registration and kick-off party begins at 5 p.m. Friday, with dinner and speakers to follow. Registration and breakfast at 8 a.m. Saturday, with line-up of speakers beginning at 9 a.m.(Lunch served). Program concludes at 4 p.m. (For registration and schedule information, visit:
WHERE: Sheraton Houston Brookhollow Hotel, 3000 North Loop West, Houston, TX 77092. Tel: (713) 688-0100.
MEDIA REGISTRATION: Advance registration is required for members of the media. Please contact [email protected]. (Will require official media credentials and photo ID.) NOTE: Media interview space available on-site.
True The Vote (TTV) a nonpartisan, nonprofit grassroots organization focused on preserving election integrity is operated by citizens for citizens, to inspire and equip volunteers for involvement at every stage of our electoral process. TTV empowers organizations and individuals across the nation to actively protect the rights of legitimate voters, regardless of their political party affiliation. For more information, please visit
Voto Honesto (TTV) es una organización sin fines de lucro, no partidaria, enfocada en preservar la integridad en las elecciones y operada por ciudadanos para ciudadanos, ara inspirar y equipar a voluntarios para envolverse en cada una de las etapas del proceso electoral. TTT capacita a organizaciones e individuos a través de la nación para activamente proteger los derechos de los votantes legítimos, sin importar a que partido político perteneces. Para más información, por favor visite
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