January Sanctity of Life Month - Texas Rally for Life - Anniversary of Roe v Wade
2011 Texas Rally for Life
Approximately 52 million babies have been lost to abortion since Roe vs. Wade was argued. In that landmark decision of 1973, it was ruled that an unborn baby could be aborted in the first trimester of pregnancy. Before Roe vs. Wade, Texas law permitted abortions only to save the mother’s life. Along comes a desperate woman named Norma L McCorvey with an unwanted pregnancy. Her attorneys Linda Coffee and Sarah Weddington filed suit in the U.S. Northern District Court of Texas on her behalf giving her the alias Jane Roe. McCorvey had the baby before the decision was issued and consequently gave the child up for adoption. The court thereafter ruled that the Texas ban on abortions was unconstitutional and thus opening the floodgates for elective abortions.
Roe vs. Wade provided late term abortions claiming to give the mother freedom of ‘choice’. What freedom of ‘choice’ did the unborn child acquire? It is incredible that so many people still do not connect the dots between our political process and how it affects the unborn. We have a pro abortion president and yet there are those who claim to be Pro Life who voted for him and continue to support him. How can you be for Life and vote for lawmakers who make it possible to have taxpayer money pay for abortions? It may be that in some cases the elected official plainly denies his votes in congress and claims to be Pro Life by hiding behind the words, ‘I am Catholic’. Or a minister may choose to support Obama simply because he identifies with his color. Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood, considered the poor, weak and blacks to be inferior and felt they were not worthy to reproduce. Those content in supporting Obama’s abortion agenda cannot even imagine that if the unborn is vulnerable, so are the elderly. We must continue to bring our message of Life and to vote for life at every opportunity.
Dr Beverly and I marched in the January 22nd 2009 March for Life in Washington DC. This was my second experience to be part of the ‘great’ March for Life. The next day, January 23rd, Obama signed his Executive Order overturning the Mexico City Policy sending our taxpayer money world wide to pro abortion organizations. In fact, he did not even think it worthy to address the 300,000 plus Pro Life people who marched to the US Capitol that day; instead the following day he signed his Executive Order. What an affront, how shameless of him to do this! I knew then just three days into his presidency that he was not going to listen and that he had kept his promise to Planned Parenthood.
There really isn’t any more that I can add to what Dr Beverly Nuckols and Cathy Kerr have to say in their own words. These two women are true advocates for the unborn. I feel fortunate that these two activists for LIFE have touched my life. I appeal to you to contact your senator, congressman and state representative and urge them to vote for LIFE! Please support Pro Life groups so that they may continue to assist the unborn baby.
March for Life 2009 Washington DC
If you end up in Federal Court because you cracked the egg of a bird on the Endangered Species list, it wouldnt matter whether the bird embryo or fetus cant survive outside the egg. Youve still broken the Endangered Species Act. Somehow, human embryos and fetuses dont get the same sort of legal protection. Those of us who would protect our children of tomorrow are called "anti-choice" and haters.
What would it take to make everyone agree that all of our children are human enough to be protected from being intentionally killed? Humans are the only species having this conversation, the only ones capable of creating and judging art, intentionally recording history, and the purposefully manipulating of our environment and each other. We have empathy for our fellow humans and even for non-humans and not only do we do good, we plan and teach benevolence and tolerance. And we truly believe that "No man has greater love than to lay down his life for another."
But we legalize elective abortions of healthy babies in healthy mothers.
The claim that "a womans right to choose" (to kill her child before he is born) is a right to be protected by laws has had far-reaching consequences. Each abortion sets up a circle of supporters who then feel the need to justify their actions. The circle grows like a ripple from a pebble, thrown into a pond. Each abortion averted by a pregnancy assistance center, an ultrasound, a parental notification or consent law, or by the man or woman praying outside the abortionists office, is one less circle of justification for abortion and the opportunity to win more hearts and minds.
Even worse: "My body, my choice" has become, "My choice, no matter what." Autonomy, the "I want" ethics, became the dominant ethical value, trumping even the right not to be killed and the physicians duty to do no harm.
Doctors are now threatened with lawsuits and the loss of our licenses or certification when we cannot in good conscience provide certain medications and procedures demanded by patients and their surrogates.
The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists approved an ethics statement declaring abortion the “standard reproductive care” and doctors who “deviate from standard practices” (object to abortion) are told to “practice in proximity to individuals who do not share their views or ensure that referral processes are in place” (with a willing abortionist). ACOG has since petitioned Congress for laws to enforce these limits on conscience.
How long before autonomy supersedes the physicians right to conscience at the end of life, now that the American Medical Association has condoned the use of Oregons "Physician Assisted Suicide" (now renamed and redefined as "Aid in Dying")?
Notes from Cathy Kerr
Cathy Kerr of the Silent No More Awareness campaign shares her powerful witness on behalf of the women and men whose lives have been devastated by abortion.
Silent No More Awareness Members to Gather at the Texas Rally for Life
As the Regional Coordinator for Silent No More Awareness of San Antonio, I would like to invite you to participate in the Rally for Life which will be held in Austin, Texas, on Saturday, January 22, 2011. This is the 38th anniversary of the infamous Supreme Court decision which denied the right to life for millions of unborn human persons. The Silent No More Awareness Campaign is an effort to make the public aware of the devastation abortion brings to unborn children, women, men, and their families. Our hope is that the emotional and physical pain of abortion will no longer be shrouded in secrecy and silence, but rather exposed and healed. Believing that women deserve better than abortion, we pray this effort will make abortion unthinkable as every culture develops ways to help women and men embrace their pre-born children. We currently have hope in our recently elected legislators to protect the sanctity of life at all stages. Please continue to communicate with them about this vital issue. I am at your service to present my own personal testimony.
The testimonies of women and men who have been involved in abortion can be found on our website: SilentNoMoreAwareness.org.
Cathy Kerr’s testimony can be read at SilentNoMoreAwareness.org/sanantonio. She can be contacted at [email protected]
Roe v. Wade
Supreme Court Justice Scalia:
Roe v. Wade Not in Constitution
Our commitment to reproductive health and rights extends around the world. With the help of our international partners, we reached 935,000 individuals in 20 developing countries, and we supported their vital work with more than $2.5 million in grants during the year. Back at home, as the year came to a close, we were gearing up for the historic effort to pass health care reform legislation. It would be an epic struggle and we would eventually play a leading role in ensuring that so many important health needs of women were provided for under the new law. It was, in the end, a transformative year — a year in which we helped realize the fullest potential of change in so many individual lives and the life of our nation as a whole. None of this would be possible without the dedication and determination of Planned Parenthood volunteers, activists, supporters, and staff — the Planned Parenthood family.
Thank you for all you do.
Valerie McCarthy
PPFA Chair
Cecile Richards
PPFA President
January 23, 2009 – Forces taxpayers to fund pro-abortion groups that either promote or perform abortions in other nations. Decision to overturn Mexico City Policy sends part of $457 million to pro-abortion organizations.
Schedule for the 2011 Texas Rally for Life
Saturday, January 22, 2011
1 pm Note the new starting location! Meet in the parking lot at the southeast corner of 17th Street and Congress for the march to the South Steps of the Capitol.
2 - 3 pm Rally at the South Steps of the Capitol with pro-life speakers and leaders from across the state.
RSVP today on the official Facebook Rally event page.
Dont miss these other pro-life events happening the day of the Rally, sponsored by the Catholic Diocese of Austin. (En espanol.)
House To Vote On Repealing ObamaCare Tomorrow
The entire legislative agenda for this week was canceled by House Republican leaders in light of the tragic shooting in Arizona. The House is expected to debate and vote next week on H.R. 2 titled "Repealing the Job-Killing Health Care Law Act." If enacted, H.R. 2 would repeal P.L. 111-148, the "Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act" (PPACA) and P.L. 111-152, the "Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act," more commonly known as ObamaCare. Under the rule, there will be seven hours of debate and no amendments except the motion to recommit.
The rule also provides for consideration of H. Res. 9, which instructs relevant House Committees to replace PPACA with legislation that achieves certain goals including to "prohibit taxpayer funding for abortions and provide conscience protections for health care providers." The rule provides for one hour of debate on H. Res. 9 and allows for one amendment by Rep. Jim Matheson (D-UT) regarding Medicare physician payments, and a motion to recommit.
Additionally, H.R. 217, introduced by Rep. Mike Pence (R-IN) to de-fund Planned Parenthood has more than 120 Members of Congress as co-sponsors, as listed here. This legislation prevents federal family planning money under Title X from going to any organization if they perform abortions and ensures that American taxpayers are not forced to subsidize the abortion industry by funding organizations such as Planned Parenthood, the nations largest abortion provider. It will be considered at a later date, yet to be announced.
TEXAS House Representative
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