Letter From Reader: Defeat Ciro Rodriguez
by TexasGOPVote on March 16, 2010 at 9:43 AM
The following comment was sent in from a TexasGOPVote.com reader regarding Fernando Trevino's post, "Why I Support Quico For TX-23 U.S. Representative."
I hope the GOP breaks out the wallet to defeat Ciro Rodriguez. He is a extreme left wing ideologue, for the current health care legislation, anti 2nd amendment, supports illegal aliens and opposes US law regarding this issue and is a puppet for the Pelosi, Obama regime.
This is the GOP's opportunity to bring out his record and expose him for what he is and tie the albatross of Pelosi and Obama around his neck. I agree with a recent Blogger here on this site that a minority (white) person cannot defeat him in this District. If Conseco wins the run off I will back this up with contribution but the GOP needs to get off its a** on this election in the 23rd District and hammer Rodriguez and put a conservative not beholding to La Raza in Congress.