Listen To Rick Perry, David Dewhurst, Joe Pojman, and Richard Land Speak at Texas Alliance For Life Banquet
Texas Alliance For Life held a Life and Liberty Banquet June 10th during the RPT 2010 Convention.
Texas Alliance For Life is a statewide, nonprofit organization of people dedicated to protecting innocent human life - from conception through natural death - using peaceful, legal means.
This organization educates community leaders, elected officials, the media, and the general public about the sanctity of innocent human life and the need for its respect and protection through newsletters, websites, emails, public speakers, information booths, voting guides, and special events like the annual Texas Rally for Life held every January at the Capitol in Austin.
Governor Rick Perry, Lt. Governor David Dewhurst, Executive Director of Texas Alliance for Life Joe Pojman, President of the Southern Baptist Conventions Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission Dr. David Land, and State Senator Dan Patrick were among the speakers at the event.
Listen to highlights from the Life and Liberty Banquet:
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