Mainstream Media Bias In Texas Social Studies Controversy, Live Blog From Final Vote
Jonathan Saenz of the Liberty Institute has kept up a live blog of the Texas State Board of Education hearing and debate over proposed amendments to the social studies curriculum. Thanks Jonathan for this great source of information!
Changes to curriculum will guide whats written in public school history books not only in Texas, but across the country. Unfortunately, the mainstream media has been twisting the facts and continuously making false claims about the State Boards intentions, accusing the Republican members of attempting to promote their political ideology. The Associated Press claims that the Texas Board has "watered down the teaching of the civil rights movement, slavery, Americas relationship with the U.N. and hundreds of other items."
The reason the conservative members of the State Board of Education think the curriculum must be changed is because of the liberal bias already present in the current curriculum. The SBOE currently is composed of 15 members (10 Republicans, 5 Democrats) elected by Texans. However, some Democrats think the SBOE should be completely wiped clean. Gubernatorial candidate wants to get rid of the election process and appoint his own bureaucrats to the board. If this were to happen, any leftwing bias amended by the boards vote today would assuredly be thrown right back into the curriculum! Here is an example of extreme liberal propaganda that TexasGOPVote investigated a couple months ago.
Watch below as Jonathan Saenz debates with Kathy Miller from the liberal group Texas Freedom Network. Take note of the biased tone of CNNs news reporter Campbell Brown as she moderates the debate. She clearly favors the liberal side of the story, and subtly dismisses Jonathan as he explains the conservative side. However, later on Campbell Brown says, "And guys, I’m going to correct myself a little bit here and maybe I didn’t give you enough credit, Jonathan…" At least she admitted to showing bias - but once again it shows that the media needs to get their facts straight!
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