Murder Tragedy in Arizona–More Updates
While Sunday, January 9th, is my birthday, celebrating and watching the NFL Playoffs was not the order of business in Arizona. Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords is only one year older than me, and on Saturday she was shot. Thankfully she is alive. I have multiple tv sets in my living room, and they have been split between the football game and various news channels. I am keeping the Congresswoman in my prayers, along with the other victims and their families.
Also, Monday, January 10th, one day after me, my father celebrates his 70th birthday. I do not say it often enough, but I love you dad. I love you too mom.
Regarding the Arizona tragedy, here is what we heard on Saturday.
Sunday morning, one of my readers sent me a link to left-wing hate site Daily Kos. On January 6, 2011, 2 days before the shooting, a leftist issued an angry screed at Congresswoman Giffords for refusing to vote for the Pelosiraptor as speaker. Only after the shooting did the Kossacks take the post down. Again, the violence in this country is coming from the left. They can say it goes both ways. Not even close. Don’t expect MSNBC to discuss this leftist rant.
Here is what we heard on Sunday.
10am: CBS: Ravens and Chiefs get prepared to kick off. CBS mentions nothing of the tragedy.
10:05am: The Pima County Sheriff has a press conference. Yesterday he blamed talk radio and tv personalities for the tragedy. The FBI Director was much more responsible, pointing out that we have no idea why the shooter did this.
10:33am: The Sheriff said one thing I agree with. We used to lock up mentally ill people. I can think of a few relatives and ex-girlfriends that could use a treatment facility rather than be out in open society harming people.
10:36am: MSNBC–Chris Jansing points out that the shooter went to a town hall a few months ago and asked a rambling incoherent question of the Congresswoman. He was unsatisfied with her answer.
10:42am: MSNBC: Sticking with the leftist talking points, Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee blames Sarah Palin for the shooting.
10:43am: Fox News: Mike Tobin reports that Dr. Rhee, the head doctor, stated that Congresswoman Giffords cannot speak, but can hear. She is responding to questions by squeezing a ball in her hand.
10:53am: Fox News: Gretchen Carlson conducts a heartbreaking telephone interview with Roxnee Green, the mother of the 9 year old girl who died in the tragedy. The family is a very religious Christian family, and the mother is relying on her faith to get her through this. Her daughter was needed in Heaven. Her daughter was born on September 11th, 2001. The mother does not cast blame, but says that sick people are out there and we have to see the signs of trouble.
11:05am: Fox News: Giffords is in a medically induced coma. She is the only survivor in critical condition, but others are in serious condition. Serious is below critical.
11:06: MSNBC: David Gregory brings up Mein Kampf and the Congresswoman being Jewish. His interviewee points out that this angle is being explored, as are all angles.
11:08am: Fox News: Dorthy Morris age 76, and Phyllis Scheck, age 79, are 2 of the victims.
11:09am: Speaker John Boehner orders capitol hill flags lowered to half staff due to the death of a staffer of Congresswoman Giffords.
11:10am: Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney, a New York liberal, attacks gun owners in general. “Guns kill. Those who glamorize gun play or worship gun ownership do no service to humanity.” Congresswoman Giffords owns a gun.
11:18am: While MSNBC is obsessing over the politically charged climate that is code for attacking conservatives, Fox News is interviewing Dr. Rhee. Dr. Rhee mentions that the quick actions by the EMS played a major role in saving the Congresswoman’s life. MSNBC keeps saying that we don’t know why this happened, but they will speculate and harm others anyway. Fox News seems more interested in hearing medical facts from the doctor. He mentions that 5 or 6 factors made the difference.
11:20am: The Jayson Blair Times (formerly the New York Times) concludes that the political climate absolutely played a factor. Evidence need not apply. In further news, Arthur Sulzberger Jr. is a wretched human being who owns a wretched paper.
11:25am: CBS: The Ravens lead the Chiefs 10-7 at halftime. Yet unlike NBC the day before, CBS felt that the shooting of a Congresswoman was worth mentioning. A couple minutes of information including FBI Director Robert Mueller preceded the football halftime show. CBS promised updates throughout.
11:46am: MSNBC: David Gregory interviews Harry Reid about healthcare. Gregory can barely contain his glee at the thought that the shooting may prevent Republicans from voting to overturn Obamacare. Not that the left would ever politicize this tragedy. Oh wait. They would and have from the first tragic shots fired.
11:48am: Fox News: President Obama is ordering a moment of silence at 11am Monday morning. Also, he is postponing a scheduled trip to New York.
11:52am: Fox News is offering actual news, as police release the gutwrenching 911 tapes of the shooting. MSNBC still has David Gregory interviewing Harry Reid, who claims that the tea party influence in America is way overstated. So on the one hand they are a threat, and on the other hand they are insignificant. A few seconds later Reid says we should all tone it down.
Once again, “coming together” for a liberal means conservatives should just shut up and let liberals run things. There is no other way to explain this constant garbage about us all coming together while simultaneously blaming conservatives for the tragedy.
12:01pm: Fox News reports that the second man wanted for questioning has been cleared by police and is no longer a suspect or person of interest.
12:03pm: Fox News: The FBI reports that the shooter will be charged with murder and assault today. Trauma Surgeon Dr. Randall Friese Gives a detailed medical explanation of what had to be done to save the Congresswoman’s life and go forward. He explained exactly why he is convinced that Congresswoman Giffords understood his commands, as she “gave a very generous squeeze” of his hand when requested to do so.
12:07pm: MSNBC: Chris Jansing reports that 30 year old victim Gabriel Zimmerman died. He was engaged to be married. While much of MSNBC is leftist editorializing, Ms. Jansing seems to be very professional, reporting the facts as a journalist should. This could get her fired from MSNBC.
12:13pm: Fox News: Dr. Ed Kornell is a neurosurgeon, and he gave a detailed explanation of how the brain works, and the fact that the bullet did not ever cross the “center line” of the Congresswoman’s brain is why she is alive. Dr. Kornell has been doing neurosurgery since before John Hinckley shot President Ronald Reagan.
12:26pm: Reuters reports charges being filed against the shooter, but those charges are sealed at this time. MSNBC reports that a plane crash in Iran killed 70 people and 9 inches of snow is about to belt the Southern United States. Does it ever stop? Actually, I am scared to ask that. I am thankful to be alive.
12:39pm: Fox News reports the charges have been released. 2 counts of murder, 2 counts of attempted murder, and one count of attempting to kill a member of Congress. No word on whether the feds will seek the death penalty. In a grisly conversation that could have waited, if Ms. Giffords dies or is incapacitated, Governor Brewer cannot appoint a successor. A special election must be held. I would not want to be a candidate running in that one on either side.
12:43pm: Fox News (and politically liberal, Fox News allows varying viewpoints) Legal Analyst Lis Wiehl explains that the Feds have jurisdiction for the 2 federal employees killed, the judge and the staffer. The other deceased victims are not federal employees so Arizona has jurisdiction. Ms. Wiehl rejects the insanity defense in this case based on the MySpace page of the shooter showing he knew right from wrong. Medical Analyst Dr. Keith Ablow offers a fascinating counterpoint of mens rea and culpability. If the shooter felt he was defending something such as martians, insanity could be valid.
1pm: Fox News and CNN stick with the story, while MSNBC decides to show a 2 hour unrelated program about a love triangle called “seduction.” Yes, this is MSNBC.
1:26pm: Fox News: Megyn Kelly interviews John Green, the father of the 9 year old shooting victim. The girl had just been elected to the student council and wanted to meet her local congresswoman. The man’s son was supposed to also go but he had karate practice, which the mom took him to. The woman who took the girl to the event is named Susie. Susie was shot 4 times but survived. The daughter, as previously mentioned, was the only girl on the boy’s softball team.
1:32pm The father and Megan hold back tears and he says something very poignant. “My daughter was born on 9/11. We had enough restrictions after 9/11 trying to fly. We don’t need any more restrictions on our society. There is always going to be random acts, but there are a lot of good people out there.”
Megan Kelly fought back anger as she said that regarding the shooter, “We need to find out why. There is always a desire to prescribe reason to what could be an irrational act.”
1:37pm: Megan Kelly interviews Pima County Sheriff Dupnik. “There are people who are very angry at the politics of Gabrielle (Giffords).” Again, no evidence exists that the political climate had anything to do with this. Megyn asks if the shooter was watching or listening to such programs. The sheriff ignores the question. She politely asks again. The sheriff says “I don’t have that information yet. My belief…no doubt in my mind…” Kelly points out that he is offering speculation. He replies “That is my opinion…period.” Kelly points out that maybe it is inappropriate to speculate at this time. “Difference of opinion is what makes the world go round.”
So at this point everybody else needs to tone it down, but liberals are allowed to inflame the public by attacking conservatives in the name of toning it down. Kelly correctly points out that the sheriff is a Democrat who ran as a Democrat. The sheriff says “We see one party trying to block the other party for trying to make this a better country.”
Can we finally admit that the Pima County Sheriff is a partisan hack exploiting the tragedy for political purposes?
1:42pm: Fox (regular, not Fox News): The Green Bay Packers are at the Philadelphia Eagles. The Ravens throttled the Chiefs 30-7. The discussion is only football, as the teams kick off.
2:53pm: Megyn Kelly interviews Daniel Hernandez Jr. He is the intern who saved Congresswoman Giffords. He had very limited medical knowledge from some courses in school, but it was enough. Thank God for this young man. Somehow the Congresswoman was able to respond and squeeze his hand after she was shot in the head. That says a lot about her. As for Mr. Hernandez, he initially used his own hand to stop the flow of blood.
2:56pm: CNN: The Rabbi at the Synagogue Congresswoman Gifford attends is holding a vigil.
3:13pm: The Packers lead the Eagles 14-3 at halftime and are starting the second half with no mention of the Arizona tragedy. For those keeping score, CBS did mention it while Fox and NBC said nothing.
3:17pm: Fox News: Brett Baier is interviewing Congressman James Clyburn of South Carolina. Naturally he is blaming conservatives for the tragedy. Judson Phillips of Tea Party Nation made it clear that the left is doing what it tried to do in 1995 after the Oklahoma City bombing, blaming conservatives when there was 0 connection.
3:24pm: Brett Baier interviews Rand Paul and Chris Coons. Despite being a liberal, Coons refuses to endorse more gun control when asked by Baier.
3:37pm: Fox News panel of pundits. Charles Krauthammer not on the panel, rendering it less relevant. Yet even without Sir Charles, some cogent points were made. Unlike MSNBC, divergent viewpoints were freely expressed amicably.
3:38pm: Give Liberal Mara Liasson credit. She stated that there is no proven link between political discourse and this tragedy. She could get fired from NPR for those remarks.
3:41pm: Juan Williams, as reasonable as ever. “You can’t just blame right-wing rhetoric for this attack.” He pointed out that in 1995, Democrats used Oklahoma City for political gain. Comments like that are why NPR fired him already.
3:56pm: Outside of CNN and Ted Turner, the worst thing about Atlanta is Delta. CNN announcing that Delta is canceling 2000 flights for a storm that has not even hit yet. More direct flights and not forcing everyone through Atlanta would help matters. I fly Monday afternoon from Los Angeles to Reno on Delta. Sheesh.
4:48pm: Fox: Packers over Eagles 21-16. No mention of the Arizona tragedy in the postgame show.
4:53pm: Fox News: FBI looking into ties between shooter and anti-government group. American Renaissance leader Jared Taylor says he has never heard of the shooter.
5:45pm: CNN: Anderson Cooper and Jessica Yellin continued to blame Sarah Palin. The head of the Tucson Tea Party went so far as to state that the left was practically praying for the shooter to be a tea party person, and are disappointed that the equivalent of ballistics did not match. David Gergen, the “Republican” on the panel, chimed in with the liberals about how we all need to cool down.
Monday, January 10th:
9:46am: It seems the 9 year old girl who tragically died is the granddaughter of former Philadelphia Phillies Manager Dallas Green.
9:52am: Fox News: Emanuel Cleaver, Chairman of the Congressional Black Liberal Caucus, reads from the Democratic talking points about us all “toning it down.” When he is asked about President Obama referring to Republicans as enemies, Cleaver demurs.
10:07am: Fox News: Megyn Kelly interviews Democrat Congressman Pat Brady. He wants to make it illegal to have a picture of a congressperson in the crosshairs as Sarah Palin did on her website. He does not want to infringe on anyone’s freedom of speech, unless that person is conservative.
10:13am: MSNBC: Liberal “Analyst” Andrea Mitchell interviews Democrat Martin Frost, who received death threats in 1991 when he voted in favor of the first Gulf War. What neither of them mention is that it was anti-war leftists making those threats. How convenient. Sarah Palin draws a picture and the left gets hysterical, but leftists make actual death threats and somehow Andrea Mitchell neglects to tell us this. Mitchell reports that Palin and Beck “are on the defensive.” Mitchell points out that Beck “has been accused” of saying bad things. Yes, it is the left accusing him. So the left makes accusations, and then cites those accusations as evidence. Circular logic from ideologues withe a liberal agenda.
10:36am: Andrea Mitchell is interviewing Paul Hemke of the Brady Campaign. Those are the people using the tragic shooting of James Brady in 1981 to get guns banned under the guise of “reasonable restrictions.” Yes, using tragedies to exploit political issues did not begin this week. Did Mitchell have an NRA representative available for a different point of view? No, not on MSNBC.
10:39am: Congressman Bill Pascrell of New Jersey blames Fox News and their “culture of hate” for the shooting. I am sure he also thinks we should all tone it down.
10:45am: President Obama speaks. “We don’t have a stronger ally than Nicolas Sarkozy and the French people.” England may disagree. Mr. Obama loves kicking England in the teeth. Otherwise, his remarks were inconsequential but harmless.
11:07am: Fox News: Interview with Pima County Attorney Barbara Lawall. She promises to be deliberate but does not promise to seek the death penalty. She is a Democrat.
At this point it is time to do the exact opposite of cool down. It is time for me to get red hot.
My heart goes out to the victims and their families, and I am saying many prayers. Yet I will not let attempts by the left to use this tragedy for political gain to go unchallenged.
We do not need less speech. We need more speech.
I keep comparing liberals to Palesimians and conservative Republicans to Jews.
Palesimians say “If only you would let us kill you and take steps to ensure your own deaths, we can all get along peacefully. If you try to defend yourselves we will wail about a neverending cycle of violence.”
Liberals say, “We should all tone it down, but we reserve the right once you are quiet to bash your skulls in. When you try to fight back, we will accuse you of being angry, lob more grenades at you, and then say that all of us…of course by us we mean you and not us…should tone it down.”
I’m sorry, but unilateral disarmament does not cut it.
Liberals are going to use this tragedy to silence conservatives.
It could come in renewed attempts at the fairness doctrine, or more net neutrality.
It could come in the form of demonizing Republicans for doing their jobs. “How dare you try to repeal Obamacare? Congresswoman Giffords supported Obamamcare. You obviously support the murder of the Arizona victims!”
It could come in the form of more attempts at gun control. Congresswoman Giffords did not share the passion for gun control that other Democrats do, but the left will ignore that.
Until a liberal can point to one thing that Rush Limbaugh or Glenn Beck has ever said to endorse violence, those leftists should tone it down.
Every day liberals are verbally terrorizing conservatives just for breathing. Whether it be Jon Stewart, David Letterman, Kathy Griffin, Joy Behar, Keith Olbermann, Chris Matthews, Sheriff Dupnik, the Daily Kos, the Huffington Post,, Joan Walsh, or any other leftist bombthrowers, the hateful acts are one-directional.
Eric Golub is the author of The Tygrrrr Express. His books, Ideological Bigotry, Ideological Violence, and Ideological Idiocy are available now.
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