Abraham Lincoln

It is unbelievable the number of times over the past few months that an event or statement has required me to remind people that racism, bigotry, anti-Semitism and misogyny have no place in our country. It is unfortunate...
Presidential campaigns are unpredictable, as the sudden national debate about the Confederate flag that flies over the South Carolina state capitol demonstrates.
As we roll into Memorial Day 2014, every American should indeed pause to give earnest thanks to the American service men and women who gave the ultimate sacrifice.Those men and women were sons and daughters, dads and moms,...
“THESE are the times that try men's souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands by it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and...
Florida Congressman Allen West gave a fearless speech this morning to the House in commemoration of Black History Month, discussing the truth about Democratic racism. He explained that the Republican Party has always been...
Event: This coming Saturday night (11.5.11) at a live event, a historic “Lincoln-Douglas” debate will be held in The Woodlands, Texas (N. of Houston) between only two GOP presidential candidates, Newt...
“Tact is the ability to describe others as they see themselves.” - Abraham LincolnThe absolute perfect version of immigration in the U.S. is the following: every immigrant should enter legally, learn the language, the...
Stephen Broden describes himself as a Frederick Douglass Republican, reflecting the original thinking that formed the Republican party and moved our nation away from the tyranny of slavery. That was a revolution. However,...
The best thing I can say about Disney’s Hall of Presidents is that it’s air conditioned.On a hot day a couple weeks ago when I was in town to speak at the Libertarian convention, we spent a day at Disney. (No kids this time...
Many in the GOP are jockeying for the soul of the party ahead of an anticipated 2014 midterm election victory. Social conservatives are eager to reassert their influence after repeated defeats over gay marriage. Fiscal...
My name is John Griffing. I'm an average patriotic American citizen, and I’m alarmed. I’m alarmed at the speed with which our country is giving away its precious freedoms, and I’m alarmed at the role our own president has...
That poor soul from the other day who insisted Lincoln never said that blacks shouldn’t be voters or jurors, or intermarry with white people, or that he had no intention to interfere with slavery where it existed, still...
All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent.Thomas JeffersonA confident Republican is one who dares, to question the rhetoric, the laws, or disunity of what the...
In the process of gaining our rightful place we must not be guilty of wrongful deeds. Let us not seek to satisfy our thirst for freedom by drinking from the cup of bitterness and hatred. - Martin Luther King, Jr. taken from...
First Battle of Bull Run was fought on July 21, 1861. After the disastrous Union defeat, President Lincoln summoned George McClellan to command the forces in Washington.Lincoln was impressed by McClellan's ability to turn...
The following opinion article was sent in from the Republican National Committee and was written by Chairman Michael Steele. It was first posted on CNN.Washington (CNN) -- Fifty-six years ago, the U.S. Supreme Court affirmed...

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