Christiana Figueres

President Barack Obama’s legacy to fundamentally transform America was on the global stage the first two weeks of December in Paris, France at the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. His weapon was the...
Eleven thousand delegates attending the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change in Warsaw, Poland, November 11-22, to supposedly negotiate funding mechanisms for its 2009 Green Climate Fund to transfer $100 billion...
In Doha, Qatar late Saturday delegates attending the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change took concrete steps toward a new global treaty to address global warming that will transform the economic structure...
Science does not motivate the 195 parties of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change; instead, it is the Green Climate Fund’s potential jackpot of trillions of dollars.The UNFCCC Executive Secretary...
For nearly a quarter of century, we have been told that “we have reached a tipping point to stop human induced climate change.” We were told by former IPCC Chief Rajendra Pachauri in 2007 that if no action was taken...
The United Nations’ climate change meeting began Monday in Warsaw, Poland, to discuss “global warming,” but when the globe stopped warming 16 years ago, the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change was forced to reveal its...
The United Nations is meeting in Qatar to negotiate a “complete transformation of the economic structure of the world,” explained Christiana Figueres, Executive Secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate...

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