Elizabeth Warren

Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) and I recently introduced the Bankruptcy Venue Reform Act of 2017 to ensure corporations file for bankruptcy in districts that allow small businesses, employees, retirees, creditors, and other...
This election is seeing an evolution of what it means to be a liberal or if there is just a thing as a liberal.
The recent scandal involving the Clinton’s may be the final straw that could end Hillary’s quest for the White House.
Hillary Clinton has the office closest to the door; the Democrats want her gone!The evidence mounts almost daily, as Clinton dodges the arrows (and shoes), and Elizabeth Warren continues to shoot them. The fake Indian...
Has Obama checked out? This is conventional wisdom, but conventional wisdom is wrong for even many liberals don’t truly understand the guy they helped elect. Obama hasn’t checked out, he has decided to rule America in a...
Here is yet another example of the left hating free speech. Tim Carney of the Washington Examiner began a recent piece on how he supported the concept of more disclosure in campaign finance but added, “The best argument...
RICHARD CORDRAYIf you have ever wondered where America is heading, wonder no more. The words from my readers that fill my ears are usually packed with anger, fear, and sometimes tears all provoked by the actions of the...
Julián Castro DNC: It Starts with Education http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/video/julian-castro-dnc-speech-starts-education-17155641It is impossible to keep up with the demonic cult like Democrat National Convention that is...
Today, I issued the following statement regarding President Obama’s announcement that he will appoint Elizabeth Warren to be an Assistant to the President and Special Advisor to the Secretary of Treasury on the Consumer...
National Review’s Kevin Williamson noted about Bernie Sanders, “Bernie bellows that he remembers a time when you could walk into a department store and “buy things made in the U.S.A.” …Like most of these advocates of “...
A friend of mine was invited to Omaha to part of the Berkshire Hathaway 50th anniversary celebration.
When Hillary Clinton recently declared that businesses don’t create jobs, it was considered a gaffe, but what if it was instead a declaration of Democratic economic policy?
The recent disaster in foreign affairs has put Obama's competency into question, and for many on both sides, Obama's failure is more about his incompetency as opposed to the results of his ideology. Democrats have an...
Hillary Clinton may suffer Election Disappointment 2.o, and might have to remain in the ranks of the “dead broke.”In what looks like a replay of the 2008 election, Hillary Clinton will likely get a challenger, and again it...
A cameraman shot this footage of a Massachusetts union worker admitting that he would have been fined somewhere between $150-$250 for not attending and supporting Democratic Senate candidate Elizabeth Warren outside of a...
If there is a candidate who represents the modern day Democratic Party, that would be Elizabeth Warren. The blonde hair, blue eyes Swedish looking 1/32nd part Cherokee Indian neo-socialist and Senatorial candidate for the...
What is it with the left and their admiration for China? Elizabeth Warren's most recent ad claims we should be more like China since they build a lot of roads. This is the same Elizabeth Warren whose claim of being part...

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