James Madison

The only way we can move our economy forward is through free-market principles and allowing a free people to do what we do best.
President Obama’s executive action on immigration revealed some deep-seated problems with our immigration laws. They include broad grants of presidential discretion, arbitrary immigration restrictions, and complicated quotas...
With our recent celebration of Independence Day, I talked to Kevin Gutzman, author of (among other titles) James Madison and the Making of America, about the American Revolution. We subscribe to the out-of-fashion...
“Conservatives are persuaded that private property and freedom are closely linked.” Kirk’s seventh principle of conservatism will not find many objections among conservatives. Private property ownership—and with it...
James Madison wrote, "If tyranny and oppression come to this land, it will be in the guise of fighting a foreign enemy." But the enemy the government is now fighting isn't just a foreign one, it appears to be fighting its...
Voting is a right; marriage is not. The case of Hollingsworth v. Perry currently before the Supreme Court raises the question of whether California’s restriction on gay marriage is constitutional. However, a...
In 2009, I wrote a restatement of The Declaration Of Independence, in contemporary English and listing the offenses against its spirit of the current state of America, with the recent rush in the long trend of abandonment of...
Congressman Lamar Smith (TX-21), Chairman of the U.S. House Judiciary Committee, took some time out of his busy schedule last week to share his thoughts with the TexasGOPVote community. As Chairman of the House Judiciary...
The following comments were sent in by a TexasGOPVote reader:Thank you for posting this teacher's unwittingly revealing, but distorted, analysis of the difference between what the teacher self-describes as what some label "...
The most common fearmongering tactic used by opponents is to claim an Article V convention could become a “runaway convention” and rewrite the Constitution. All one has to do is read and study Article V to understand this is...
A poll from Rasmussen reports says a third of Americans agree with Jonathan Gruber that Americans aren’t capable of understanding Obamacare. It's true that most Americans are too occupied or distracted to even begin to...
Prior to the ratification by the states of The Constitution, there was concern among many of the delegates of the colonies that a new federal government might exercise powers beyond those limited ones enumerated in The...
It is quite clear that the deceptively-named “Affordable Care Act” (aka Obamacare), was NOT supported by “We the People” when it was crammed down our throats three years ago so we could “see what’s in it”. Its popularity...
The Obama Administration is at it again, looking for a way to make things “fair”. This time the administration’s idea of fair is to put a cap on how much money retirees receive from their investments. Roughly $205,000 a year...
The most foolish mistake we could possibly make would be to allow the subject races to possess arms. History shows that all conquerors who have allowed their subject races to carry arms have prepared their own downfall by so...
Some of you will recall that I have affirmed the legitimacy of state nullification of unconstitutional (critical adjective) federal government actions in the recent past. We need as many as...
For all of my life, most of it in the face of a contrary communications domination, Republicans have fidgeted to strike a pose between a mass-culture tide of anti-American, anti-freedom, anti-dynamic statist centralization...

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