Mitch Daniels
March 30th, 2012
Sorry. I'm not playing ball. Oh, I'll vote for Mitt Romney if he's nominated, but I'd be happier voting for thousands of other Americans. Heck, I'd be happier voting for thousands of other Americans THAT I'VE KNOWN...
May 21st, 2011
Sitting in the Hawkeye state and home of the first caucus, I get the opportunity to see candidates up front and personal. If you want to know why folks are excited about Herman Cain, just spend an evening with him, and you...
March 18th, 2011
Thursday, Jedediah Bila published in Human Events, Setting the Palin Record Straight, which was linked many times on Facebook, and I hope is widely read. It’s nice to see a journal of some repute that points to questions of...
February 25th, 2011
I’ve seen and heard a lot of discussion in the last several days about Republican state governments and “union-busting.” And polls show that the public at once favors preserving union workers “rights,” even for “collective...
January 24th, 2011
(Notes: I am not making any endorsements or will I spend time in this piece to dissect weakness of candidates. There is more than enough time to do this. My purpose is to point out that Republicans have a strong list of...
May 24th, 2011
There’s a lot to talk about here. Mitch Daniels, whom I thought would enter the race and was going to discuss, bowed out over the weekend, saying he loved his family even more than he loved his country. I thought Daniels...
April 13th, 2011
While other American states and municipalities are scrambling in dealing with a porous border and a federal government that appears to care more for NCAA Brackets and Brazil’s energy development, Texas Republicans again cut...
March 9th, 2011
There are two predictions that I will make and be certain of. The first is that the 2012 elections will be full of surprises. That one is easy. The second is that the nominee for the GOP will not come from any candidates...
February 10th, 2011
In my last post, I again made reference to the idea that states ought to refuse to comply with unconstitutional federal directives. There is affirmation for such nullification in the founding era, explicitly discussed in...