Peter Schiff

You’ve probably seen this by now, but here’s Peter Schiff at the Democratic Convention posing as an imbecile, and finding people who think profits should be banned.Posing as an anti-business crusader, Peter Schiff found a...
Someone sent a message via my Facebook page in which he noted something a friend had told him:Demand creates jobs. How do we increase demand? We provide assistance where needed to create economic activity where the private...
With the head of Mises Canada. (When I move into my new office space in town I’ll be able to stream better; at my present location it’s a miracle I can get high-speed Internet at all.)Originally posted on
I wonder if some people are asking about me: “Who’s side is this guy on?” Well to begin with, I don’t think that is the first kind of question we should be asking. I’m pretty libertarian when it comes to the federal...

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