Senator Lindsey Graham

I read the threads from last night and this morning about whether as Allen West has, conservatives should accept the Boehner plan and abandon the tea party insistence that there should be NO debt increase without spending...
Today Elena Kagan faces her first vote in the United States Senate. The Senate Judiciary Committtee is dominated by Democrats so Kagan is nearly certain to sail through this first round - as of this morning no Democrat has...
Bravo to Senator Cornyn! The Texas GOP should unite behind his efforts to help pass a SENSIBLE approach to immigration reform. No Amnesty! No Deportations! ID them and Tax them! Read more about this in John Stanton's...
Especially on climate change, Lindsey Graham seems to be living on a different planet than I (Well, he is: he’s in Washington – maybe he should drink bottled instead of local water). But when he senses crap, he doesn't...
James Lee was fatally shot after taking hostages at the Discovery Channel building. He wanted to make a point to the world about Anchor babies. What is very disturbing to me is that this man's written platform to the world...
Senator John Cornyn recently stated that he is ready to work with legislators on an immigration bill. Personally, I would like to thank Senator Cornyn for stepping up to the plate on this volatile issue.
Over the last few weeks I’ve had the pleasure of meeting with the Mayors, City Council members, and other representatives from cities across Texas as they visit Washington to discuss local issues. I have met with delegations...
The Democrats are scrambling to do everything and anything they can to get the 60 votes needed to pass their healthcare bill. Hear what Republican senators Lindsey Graham and John Cornyn have to say about the new "opt-out"...

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