Speaker Boehner

I had the privilege of addressing the Republican Party’s Growth and Opportunity Project these past few weeks on how the party can better connect with Hispanic voters. Whether well meaning or otherwise, the Republican Party...
Co-written by Eduardo AguirreMitt Romney's defeat in the 2012 presidential election has been met by many Republicans as a challenge. If they hope to regain the White House, the party must address important...
If you want to know the state of our political class, just review what has transpired over the past four weeks. First there is the John Boehner confessions in which he discovered that Barack Obama is not all that serious...
Congressman John Boehner has won re-election as Speaker of the 2013 United States House of Representatives even though Boehner has recently betrayed conservatives by kicking them off of committees. He also teamed up with...
Witnesses say that Teleprompter scrolled "the ayes have it" even before the voice vote was taken. Also, video of the rule change vote at the Republican National Convention shows that the vote seemed to be a toss up with no...
Obama Fought to Stop the Execution of a Mexican National who Raped and Killed a Young Girl in TexasEarlier this year, the Obama Administration fought to stop Texas from executing a Mexican National, Humberto...
Speaker Boehner Pres Office - Following another disappointing jobs report and S&P’s decision on the United States’ credit rating, Rep. Michael Grimm (R-NY) urged President Obama in the Weekly...
Wisconsin Senator Ron Johnson went "On the Record" last week to discuss the debt ceiling situation and explains why he's not confident a debt deal will be reached. View video and transcript below:  Watch the latest video at...
NRCC - Democrats on Friday renewed their calls for a new credit card to continue their spending spree without any accompanying spending cuts:DEMOCRAT WHIP STENY HOYER (D-MD): “I have told Mr. Boehner that our party stands...
The debt ceiling negotiations with Vice President Biden and key Republican negotiators broke down last week. These negotiations have been going on for some time now and are the result of the last Debt Ceiling bill passed...
Too often Republicans play defense on policy issues and allow Democrats (and the willing media accomplices) to control the language and tactics of the debate. Immigration reform has certainly been one of these areas....
Most of my conservative friends view America as lost; I have decided to become the Happy Warrior. One reason begins with one reality; our opponents can easily be mocked. The real secret behind this group is that they are...
The Republican Party of Texas (RPT) Chairman Steve Munisteri has sent an open letter to U.S. Congress Speaker Boehner, expressing Texas’ GOP grassroots’ extreme disappointment with the recent tax-and-spend-but-no-spending-...
Texas got four new Congressional districts in 2012. One of the new districts is District 36. Republican Steve Stockman won the election for this new Texas Congressional District 36. Steve is a conservative activist....
AUSTIN—Today, Lt. Governor David Dewhurst and five members of the Texas Senate sent a letter to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and House Speaker John Boehner urging Congress to immediately approve construction of the...
President Obama today announced that he is requesting a joint session of Congress to announce his “new” jobs plan for America. This planned speech is set for 8 PM on Wednesday, September 7, 2011 and conflicts with a...
I read the threads from last night and this morning about whether as Allen West has, conservatives should accept the Boehner plan and abandon the tea party insistence that there should be NO debt increase without spending...
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No Disrespect intended to Jello when compared to Obama and Democrats (Party of No) Crying like an injured bride, President Obama said today that Speaker Boehner "Left me at...
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Speaker of the House John Boeher is quickly becoming one of the strongest Republican Speakers of all time. He is standing strong against heavy pressure from the Liberal Media, Barack Obama, Democrats in the Senate and even...
Tuesday (5/31/2011), House Republicans gave President Obama and the Democrats the House vote they had requested some months ago – a clean vote on raising the federal debt ceiling. The results were predictable, in that the...



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