Steve Munisteri
June 7th, 2012
The nation's largest gathering of Republicans, the State Convention of the Republican Party of Texas (RPT), kicked off today in Fort Worth Texas with bagpipes blaring, patriotic songs, pledges to the flags of the United...
April 10th, 2012
Rick Santorum has made the decision to drop out of the 2012 Republican Presidential race. I believe it has to do with tending to his ill daughter. This does not affect the push to have an Emergency Texas GOP SREC Meeting...
March 31st, 2012
AUSTIN (Republican Party of Texas) - Late last week, State GOP Chairman Steve Munisteri issued an invitation to all four Republican Presidential candidates to come to Texas for a nationally-televised debate in May.
February 16th, 2012
The San Antonio Federal Court regarding the redistricting lawsuit has declared that Texas will not have a Primary Election before May 29th, 2012. We have been told to plan for an election on May 29th but that we could also...
January 26th, 2012
The following is a press release from the Republican Party of Texas: As we previously reported, last Friday, the Attorney General filed a motion requesting that the three-judge panel in San Antonio reconsider setting the...
November 23rd, 2011
Below are the final results of the survey about whether or not the Republican Party of Texas should produce a Legislative Priorities Report.Results of Legislative Priorities Report Survey:A couple of months...
October 8th, 2011
This is an update of what is going on behind the scenes (discussions and votes) at the SREC meetings regarding the legislative Priorities Report Click here to take the Legislative Priorities Report SURVEY.I...
July 10th, 2011
RPT - In the month of June, the primary focus of the RPT's efforts was on the special session.
June 21st, 2011
At the most recent State Republican Executive Committee meeting, I was informed by the State Chairman that he was served papers letting him know of a lawsuit against the Republican Party over redistricting by Travis County,...
May 4th, 2011
RPT - This afternoon, all 19 Republican State Senators stood together in a united front to defeat obstructionist tactics of the Democratic Party and successfully moved forward House Bill 1, pertaining to the 2012-2013 state...
May 9th, 2012
Republican Party of Texas - The overriding priority for the month of April was to help organize and coordinate the selection of delegates and alternates at County & District Conventions across Texas. Never before in...
April 4th, 2012
If you are looking for the article about the Texas GOP having an Emergency Meeting to go to "Winner Take All" click on this link:
March 29th, 2012
Candidates will be warned by Texas GOP that if they do not show up, they will be considered as not caring for Texas and should not get our vote.A Major Presidential Debate in Texas? This is pretty...
January 28th, 2012
The following is a press release from the Republican Party of Texas - Friday afternoon, the Western District three-judge panel in San Antonio, which is overseeing redistricting and scheduling of the Texas primary, held a...
December 2nd, 2011
Austin - Thursday Republican Party of Texas (RPT) State Chairman Steve Munisteri outlined the Party's strategy relative to protecting the citizenry's right to have their elected officials represent their interests in...
November 18th, 2011
update: I am not stating that what Upshur County Republican Party did was entirely legal. That is a question that the SREC is going to take at the next meeting.... but they did do it and it is news worthy even if their...
August 4th, 2011
RPT Chairman Steve Munisteri- In the month of July, the priority was to address the potential problem the Republican Party of Texas has relative to the selection of national convention delegates. As previously reported, in...
July 8th, 2011
RPT - The Republican Party of Texas would like to extend our sincere thanks to State Representative Dan Branch (R-Dallas), for his generous donation of $10,000 to the RPT!
May 10th, 2011
RPT - Today the Texas House passed HB 12, the Sanctuary Cities bill, by a vote of 100-47 on third reading. This bill allows cities and law enforcement to enforce federal immigration laws by preventing local policies in...
April 12th, 2011
Republican Party of Texas - During the recent debate on the General Appropriations Act, several Republican Party members successfully defunded Planned Parenthood by $61 Million. These members' actions diverted tax money...