Thomas Jefferson
October 25th, 2017
You've heard "trust but verify" from none other than Ronald Reagan, no doubt. The Tea Party movement taught us to do that, and I hope you still are. Especially in the case of John Culberson, my congressman.
July 20th, 2015
Look at this lefty report of TX Governor Greg Abbott being verbally assaulted in the airport in New York because he continues to oppose the imposition of same-sex marriage.
April 24th, 2015
The most common fearmongering tactic used by opponents is to claim an Article V convention could become a “runaway convention” and rewrite the Constitution. All one has to do is read and study Article V to understand this is...
May 9th, 2013
Five years ago Lone Star College System (LSCS) asked voters to pass a bond. This year they are doing it again and making the same promises they broke in 2008. The new bond issue, if passed, could drive the total debt load of...
March 4th, 2013
West Point has a fine and storied tradition: President Thomas Jefferson signed legislation establishing the military academy in 1802.The same Thomas Jefferson who often repeated the John Bradshaw quote:Rebellion to tyrants...
November 8th, 2012
State nullification is Thomas Jefferson’s idea, derived from the Richmond Ratification Convention of 1788, that the states must refuse to allow the enforcement of unconstitutional federal laws within their borders. Here’s an...
November 17th, 2011
Americans want the federal government to stop excessive government spending and reduce the federal deficit.The last time the budget was balanced was during the Clinton Administration, when Republicans in Congress passed the...
September 21st, 2011
In the process of gaining our rightful place we must not be guilty of wrongful deeds. Let us not seek to satisfy our thirst for freedom by drinking from the cup of bitterness and hatred. - Martin Luther King, Jr. taken from...
July 29th, 2011
As Congress continues to navigate this urgent and complicated debt crisis, you can count on me to do the right thing for the right reasons and to approach every vote as a free market, constitutional conservative. I have...
April 20th, 2011
I regret that I am forced to paraphrase a quote from America’s founding that says in essence that the exercise of power is only limited by what is tolerated. It sounds like Jefferson of course, but might not be. One should...
August 21st, 2017
Are you tired yet of every racial grievance making its way into the political arena to try to score political points? Tired of people using race as an excuse to justify poor behavior like tearing down or defacing historical...
July 19th, 2015
There is a growing assault on the Judeo Christian values which serve as the foundation of our Western civilization and the basis of all our laws. These core principles have been a vital part of making America the greatest...
March 27th, 2014
For some time now, almost all talk of the GOP has referred to a division between “establishment” and “tea party” camps. And there certainly has been contention with some considering tea party forces impractical and others...
April 4th, 2013
Sometimes we don’t notice the real danger even while it’s lurking right under our collective noses. For Hollingsworth v. Perry –the Supreme Court case involving Proposition 8--the media coverage and discussion...
January 30th, 2013
Also see: OUTRAGE: The Boston Tea Party was a Terrorist Attack according to Texas School Curriculum, Cscope Texas CSCOPE Teaching 'Allah is the Almighty God' The following statement is from newly-elected...
November 6th, 2012
My name is John Griffing. I'm an average patriotic American citizen, and I’m alarmed. I’m alarmed at the speed with which our country is giving away its precious freedoms, and I’m alarmed at the role our own president has...
November 13th, 2011
All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent.Thomas JeffersonA confident Republican is one who dares, to question the rhetoric, the laws, or disunity of what the...
August 3rd, 2011
Texas Governor Rick Perry has been criticized by the leftist media and atheist groups for calling for a day of prayer to ask God’s help in solving the many problems we face in America today. This Prayer event is called The...
May 3rd, 2011
In 2009, I wrote a restatement of The Declaration Of Independence, in contemporary English and listing the offenses against its spirit of the current state of America, with the recent rush in the long trend of abandonment of...
March 3rd, 2011
Some of you will recall that I have affirmed the legitimacy of state nullification of unconstitutional (critical adjective) federal government actions in the recent past. We need as many as...