350 PRO-LIFE Advocates Attend PRAYER RALLY at 2140 Babcock in San Antonio, TX

A special Prayer Rally sponsored by STOP Planned Parenthood and STOP Abortion Coalitions was held in front of the 2140 Babcock Road proposed Planned Parenthood mega complex abortion clinic in San Antonio on Saturday, March 28, 2015. The proposed Planned Parenthood mega clinic will ‘kill’ an approximate 2800 unborn innocents per year. Bishop Michael Pfeifer, in his initial call to Pro-Life advocates, had asked for 200, but the response was an amazing 350 Pro-Life advocates gathering to pray.

Bishop Emeritus Most Reverend Michael Pfeifer, a native of Alamo, Texas served as Bishop of the Diocese of San Angelo for over 28 years from May 31, 1985 to Dec. 12, 2013. He presently resides at the Oblate Renewal Center in San Antonio, Texas. Bishop Pfeifer has candidly professed the vital importance of life and the use of adult stem cells in scientific research. He is affectionately called the ‘Bishop of the whole community of San Angelo’ for his ability to bring the word of God to all faiths in his community.

The proposed site is not in the correct zoning which should be C2 but in C1 which the City of San Antonio has admitted is incorrect. According to Michael Knuffke the interpretation from the city in reference to the 2104 Babcock location as of December 22, 2014 which is in Zone C1 allows, “The use of professional offices and laboratory testing are permitted uses within C1 based zoning district however, cold storage, medical surgery facilities, and hospitals are not permitted uses within C1 based zoning district. This is the biggest piece of testimony that we have. This is from their department saying it is not an appropriate use.” Jeffery Hons, president and CEO of Planned Parenthood had set his goal for the opening of the abortion surgical clinic for March 1. The certificate of occupancy has not been issued as of this date. The sidewalk ministry has delayed the opening date and so far has saved a minimum of 280 unborn babies.

Bishop Emeritus Most Reverend John W. Yanta of Amarillo, Texas was also present. Bishop Yanta is found at many of the Pro-Life events held in San Antonio.

It may take one man and one woman to raise a child but it takes a village to save the unborn and the churches in San Antonio and the surrounding areas have taken a serious approach to the sidewalk ministry. St. Mark the Evangelist parish was represented by the Columbian Squires and the religious education team with Sister Gemma Abonge and Frank Peacher, the high school youth minister. Father Kennedy Nyumba native of Kenya and presently from St. Peter Prince of Apostles in Alamo Heights was also part of the prayer rally. Wouldn’t it be amazing to have all the area churches participate in this Sidewalk Ministry?

There is another opportunity to participate in this ministry by attending the San Antonio City Council meeting on April 1 to address the mayor and council on the significance of LIFE!

Pray, Fight, NEVER GIVE UP!

To register on line beginning at 8:00 am to 5:50 pm on Wed., April 1st. Register in person until 5:59 pm. Be present by 6:00 pm ready to speak or b click this link:

Mission: SURGE FORWARD to “Pack the House”, rally support, and set a new Council record for #LIFE! To peacefully speak for life with holy boldness for the City upholding the existing local laws, the City’s protection of property values, the end to all abortion (chemical, direct and surgical), to bring awareness to the destruction of human life by “pp” and their abortion business’ efforts to sell abortions to women in crisis situations and eradicate brown and black unborn persons through racial targeting, and to be a cheerful witness of the beauty of life and family.

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