
We understand that compromise is essential in governing. But on the issue of life, there is no middle ground. You are either in favor of the dismemberment of innocent children or you are against it. Pro-life activists can always look to TexasGOPVote as a resource and ally in the fight to protect innocent life.
Most recent update: After hours of contemplation, Dewhurst declared that the vote happened after midnight and is invalid. Dewhurst blamed the unruly occupy-acting mob and the Straus House leadership for the failure of the...
Texas Governor Perry has vetoed 26 of the bills that passed out of the 2013 Texas Legislative Session, and he also line item vetoed a couple of other bills. These bills range from defunding the Public Integrity Unit because...
The Texas regular legislative session ended less than a month ago. Unfortunately, all the big pro-life bills were killed by the leadership of Texas Speaker of the House Joe Straus. Joe Straus is not pro-life and has openly...
Joe Straus, Texas Speaker of the House of Representatives, has KILLED all important pro-life bills in the 2013 Texas Legislative session. Joe Straus is not pro-life and NEVER has been. Straus has stated to the media that...
The 83rd Legislature of the State of Texas still has a couple of weeks to go, and it ain’t over ’till both the House and Senate are sine die, but it appears that SB 303 did die over the weekend.Representative Susan King, who...
Think about the things that Texas is known for. Oil, trucks, cowboys, cows and big city life. Also, a gun loving governor and a booming economy. Oh, yeah and the myth that everything is bigger in Texas, right? We've got...
The Texas Advance Directive Act of 1999 (TADA) describes “Advance Directives to Physicians” (what most people would call a “Living Will”) and contains Section 166.046, an attempt to outline the procedure for resolving a...
Please permit me to share a short personal observation. Saturday, while driving on the Gulf Freeway South of Houston, I noticed flags flying at half-mast. That wasn’t terribly unusual in today’s endless and instantaneous...
An exchange between Planned Parenthood Alisa Snow and Representative Jim Boyd: "So, um, it is just really hard for me to even ask you this question because I’m almost in disbelief," said Rep. Jim Boyd. "If a...
Bill and I travelled to Washington, DC for two main reasons, to visit our son and grandkids and to participate in the 40th anniversary of Roe v Wade March for Life. In fact, we planned on attending the March for Life since...
Orange t-shirts admittedly outnumbered those of us in blue at the Texas State Capitol on Sunday, June 23. However, in the long run, what mattered in the passage of the House version of Senator Heger's Senate Bill 5,...
AUSTIN - In response to Governor Rick Perry adding the issue of abortion to the call of the special session today, Representative Allen Fletcher (Tomball/Cy-Fair) filed House Bill 55, prohibiting sex-selective abortions."It...
Since Roe v. Wade was wrongly decided in 1973, over 55 million babies have been aborted.55 million little lives sacrificed on the alter of convenience. 55 million would-be mothers bearing an ungodly burden of having made a...
Like the IRS Scandal, Texas Speaker Straus is attacking conservative non-profit groups and even churches! ACTION ALERT! GOVERNOR RICK PERRY MUST VETO THIS BILL SB 346! One of the top...
Another Kermit Gosnell? Another abortionist accused of aborting late term pregnancies and babies born alive? Unfortunately, it is true and it happens more than people think. Finally these murders are being uncovered. A Texas...
Update: The Obama Administration has decided to appeal the judge’s ruling that the age restrictions must be removed completely from Plan B sales.Because of a ruling by a Court in New York on April 5, 2013 and the April 30,...
FRIDAY WAS A DAY OF CONTRASTS.Earlier that day, I streamed the live broadcast of President Obama addressing Planned Parenthood’s annual gathering in Washington D.C. This smaller, low-profile event in front of a modest...
(Writer's note-This deals with the trial of Kermit Gosnell, who is being tried for murder of seven babies born outside the mother’s womb and a mother during an abortion procedure.)The following was a Grand Jury description...
I introduced legislation yesterday that will ensure taxpayer dollars aren’t funding abortion advocacy in public schools. H.R. 1122, the Protecting Life in Funding Education (PRO-LIFE) Act restricts funding to school...
I want to welcome and thank all Texans who have made the trip to Washington to make their voices heard. We’ve taken important steps in recent years to defend life, including passage of the Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act and...



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