
We understand that compromise is essential in governing. But on the issue of life, there is no middle ground. You are either in favor of the dismemberment of innocent children or you are against it. Pro-life activists can always look to TexasGOPVote as a resource and ally in the fight to protect innocent life.
This past year has been more than interesting for the Republican Party in a variety of ways. A major reoccurring theme among conservatives has been that of party identity.
This week is early voting for the Texas Republican runoffs. There will be many local, county, and district elections and all of them are important. A few candidates in the Texas Republican runoffs are seeking a position in...
There is a legal case that has been filed by Attorneys General of so far 15 states. Obviously, the law defies the constitutional rights of both the states and their citizens, in its Medicaid mandates to states and IRS...
You’ve all heard of “a death of a thousand cuts.” The constitutional constraints on a central government has suffered razor cuts for my entire life. Today, the victim was officially declared in critical condition. To use...
The Stupak “deal,” is a fig leaf at best. Executive Orders cannot and do not trump legislation passed by Congress. If the Senate bill funded abortions (BTW, that is not what the supposedly pro-life Senator Ben Nelson has...
The following was sent in from CatholicVote:If you are tempted to think Catholics in America don’t matter, I have some news for you.The past 48 hours of the health care debate has been a pitched battle between Catholic...
Dear Fellow Conservative,Greetings! Working together we can restore our nation to the principles of our founding fathers based upon our Christian heritage.The Republican Party Precinct Conventions were held on March 2, 2010...
Following are the resolutions I have proposed for Precinct #0054.Resolution on Pro-Life:BE IT RESOLVED that mandatory ultrasound legislation should be passed and that all provisions of the current platform...
Cathie Adams is well-known in Texas grassroots politics. She is a longtime leader of the Texas Eagle Forum.
A few years back in National Review, Harvard Scholar Leon Steinmetz revisited a curious debate among leaders of the French Revolution. Many of these revolutionaries asserted that France held too many people for the...
Representative Bart Stupak has announced that he is retiring from his position and will not be running for reelection in the November 2010 midterm elections. Sources familiar with Stupak's thinking describe him as burned out...
Texas House District 51's Democratic Representative, Eddie Rodriguez, was arrested and charged with DWI last Thursday, March 18th. Rodriguez spent the night in the Travis County jail and was released Friday morning on a...
Congressman Bart Stupak shows that he’s not only “easy,” he’s cheap, too. After months of huffing and puffing and playing the “hero of the unborn children role” to the hilt, Rep. Bart Stupak (D-Mich.) gave it up to the Queen...
“Baby killer” was yelled on the House floor Sunday night as Representative Bart Stupak (MI) discussed abortion-related aspects of the health care legislation.
Democratic Rep. Bart Stupak says he will vote for the health care bill after coming to an agreement on abortion language. Obama will sign an executive order re-enforcing the ban on the federal funding for abortion.
The message regarding the "Slaughter Strategy" was sent in from The Republican Party of Texas:The Democrats will stop at nothing to pass ObamaCare.The American people want sensible health care reform. But they know that...
The following was sent in from Catholic Vote Action:
Since entering college, I'm realizing that in institutions of higher learning, one's political beliefs are hardly a choice; they're believed to be a lifestyle.I have essentially become the token Republican of the best...
The Rise of Latino Conservatism was a session at the Conservative Political Action Conference sponsored by the American Principles Project and featured speakers Alfonso Aguilar, Grover Norquist, Karyme Lozano, and Mario...
First of all, all of these arguments and all of the strain about immigration and libertarianism are a distraction in light of what is happening in America: sort of like fighting over the furniture when the house is on fire...



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