
We understand that compromise is essential in governing. But on the issue of life, there is no middle ground. You are either in favor of the dismemberment of innocent children or you are against it. Pro-life activists can always look to TexasGOPVote as a resource and ally in the fight to protect innocent life.
Following are the resolutions I have proposed for Precinct #0054.Resolution on Pro-Life:BE IT RESOLVED that mandatory ultrasound legislation should be passed and that all provisions of the current platform...
Cathie Adams is well-known in Texas grassroots politics. She is a longtime leader of the Texas Eagle Forum.
A few years back in National Review, Harvard Scholar Leon Steinmetz revisited a curious debate among leaders of the French Revolution. Many of these revolutionaries asserted that France held too many people for the...
The Supreme Court intended Roe v. Wade to "settle" the abortion debate. Abortion would finally be accepted as a permanent and necessary right of a modern progressive society. Baby Boomers are still split with 51% believing...
GREEN is the new RED! Need to justify forced abortions? Think of all the CO2 gas being eliminated. Seriously, China is proud!
In a comment on Lauro Garza's most recent blog post about how the Democrats seized upon the Pro-Life rhetoric in an effort to redefine the term for their own advantage and to the GOP's detriment, it says...the law of the...
Since entering college, I'm realizing that in institutions of higher learning, one's political beliefs are hardly a choice; they're believed to be a lifestyle.I have essentially become the token Republican of the best...
The Rise of Latino Conservatism was a session at the Conservative Political Action Conference sponsored by the American Principles Project and featured speakers Alfonso Aguilar, Grover Norquist, Karyme Lozano, and Mario...
First of all, all of these arguments and all of the strain about immigration and libertarianism are a distraction in light of what is happening in America: sort of like fighting over the furniture when the house is on fire...
Living in Iowa, I am at ground zero of American presidential aspirations. Iowa caucus is the first step in the Presidential nomination process and it is the Iowa Caucus that shrinks the presidential field (even though it...
Just like the House health care bill before the addition of the Stupak/Pitts Amendment, the Senate health care bill will levy a new "abortion premium" fee on Americans



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