Construction Workers Vow Not to Work on Controversial Mosque Near Ground Zero

While developers are still going ahead with the Ground Zero mosque, construction workers in New York and even across the nation are banding together and declaring that they will have nothing to do with the building of the mosque. 

Despite 68% of Americans being against the mosque, the developers refuse to listen, but how can you build a 13-story mosque with no one to build it?

Louis Coletti, president of the Building Trades Employers Association stated:

"Its a very difficult dilemma for the contractors and the organized labor force because we are experiencing such high levels of unemployment. Yet at the same time, this is a very sacred sight to the union guys."
"There were construction workers killed on 9/11 and many more who got horribly sick cleaning up Ground Zero. Its very emotional."

A Brooklyn construction worker, Andrew Sullivan, created the "Hard Hat Pledge," asking construction workers to vow not to work on the mosque unless it is built at a different location than the current planned location on Park Place.

View an interview with Andrew Sullivan below:


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