Rep. Allen West Speaks to Dallas Area Conservatives - New Leadership for America
"When you set the bar low, you jump low," said US Rep. and retired Army Lt. Col. Allen West (R-FL) quoting one of his jump instructors from his early Army training. That is exactly what we have been doing in the House of Representatives when it comes to reducing the run away deficit spending habits of Barack Obama and Senate Democrats. Rep. West made this comment in a speech to Dallas County GOP activists recently at Sammy's Bar-B-Que in the shadows of the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas.
West began his remarks with comments about our run away spending stating that during the month of February, the shortest month of the year, we ran up a $223B deficit. 47% of our $12,000,000,000,000 ($12T) is owned by foreign governments. 29% is owned by the Chinese government. We pay more in our interest payments to the Chinese government than they pay in total military spending. In other words, we are funding the military that may one day be used against us. (my comment, not Rep. West's)
Following is Colonel West's speech to the Park Cities Republican Women's meeting in Dallas, Texas earlier this month.
At the conclusion of his prepared remarks, West took a few questions from the audience. Questions ranging from immigration reform to foreign policy to ObamaCare. One thing became apparent, this man does not avoid questions.
After Col. West's speech, I was able to spend some time with him, one-on-one, and ask him some questions about his unique style of leadership, Obama's illegal war in Lybia, Border Security and Sharia Law in America. Col. West was on a very tight schedule this day and we are grateful for the opportunity for this exclusive interview for the readers of TexasGOPVote.
Other photos of the day...
Rep. West with TexasGOPVote blogger Adryana Boyne
Rep West with now Interim Dallas County GOP Chair Debbie Georgatos
Rep. West with TexasGOPVote's Bob Price
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Lt. Col. Allan West