Ron Paul Popular With the Students at CPAC

Ron Paul really fired up the audience today at CPAC 2010, especially garnering a loud cheer from the student section. Ron Paul started his speech saying Obama was able to win the election with change, but Obama's change was the wrong change.

He said that in 2000, there was a Repblican president, House, and Senate, but America still didn't get the revolution. He then went on to mention Woodrow Wilson, to which the audience booed. After Ron Paul said that those boos were rightly deserved, he talked about how some conservatives think that it is the conservative decision to not even be a part of the United Nations.

"1913 gave us the income tax and IRS," he said. "Who says we still need them?" Then chants of "end the Fed" errupted throughout the crowd.  then chants of "end the Fed" erupted throughout the crowd.

Later, Ron Paul stated, "Don't go to war unless we have a full declaration of war," he said. "War is to protect our liberty, not to run your personal lives…" Then he said, "To those that do want the war, where will we get the money?"

He said, "I will always vote for what I have promised to vote for, he said. I will always vote for the Constitution, and I will never spend a single penny that's not paid for. Debt is the monster, debt is going to eat us up."

Ron Paul said government should be restrained. We must understand from a conservative viewpoint how much we should be involved around the world. "Saying we're responsible is a neoconservative viewpoint, not a real conservative viewpoint."

"Our lives comes from our creator and our liberty comes from our creator. The government cannot grant it. You have freedom because you are an individual and that should be protected," he said. "If you think freedom comes in pieces, I do not believe freedom can be protected. You cannot protect economic freedom but then not protect social freedom..."

He said that he is the most popular candidate among the candidates and closed with 2 rules:

1. Non violent change
2. In the process of us reaching our goals, we have to remain tolerant and allow freedom of expression


"He said that he is the most popular candidate among the candidates"

You left out the rest of the sentence.  "..among the military".

He was referencing:

WASHINGTON — Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul, the congressman from the Houston area who opposes the Iraq war, has gotten more contributions than any other White House contender from donors identified as affiliated with the military.

According to a Houston Chronicle analysis of campaign records from January through September, Paul received $63,440 in donations from current military employees and several retired military personnel.

Democrat Barack Obama, another war critic, was second in military giving. The Illinois senator got $53,968 during the nine months.

He was followed by Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz, a decorated Navy pilot and former Vietnam prisoner of war, who received $48,208 in military-related giving.

Ron Paul is the GOP's "king of earmarks." I get his point about transparency and separation of powers, but he's as wrapped up in the game as anyone else.

"I don't think the federal government should be doing it. But if they're going to allot the money, I have a responsibility to represent my people. If they say, Hey, look, put in a highway for the district, I put it in.

Courage and leadership don't wait for everyone else to do the right thing. Wishy-washy demagogues complain about how bad a system is but continue with business as usual. And that's what Paul does.

Mr. Paul’s defense: he may have put earmarks in, but he voted against the bills afterward.

If you know you're going to vote against a bill, you should have the courage of your convictions to not amend it in such a way that you benefit from that which you object. That's not only unseemly, it's hypocritical. I wish his supporters would hold him to a higher standard and look at his actions rather than his inflated rhetoric and lofty platitudes he's failed to ever match with his actions. Quite an easy scam he has going on there, talking the talk and never asked to walk the walk.

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