Sessions Applauds House Passage of Iran Nuclear Agreement Review Act

Today, I issued the following statement on the House’s passage of legislation that would allow Congress to review any agreements relating to Iran’s nuclear program:

The system of checks and balances instituted by our founding fathers has stood the test of time, which is why it is vital that Congress stand iron-clad to our oath to uphold the Constitution in moments like these.

President Obama has proven himself to be untrustworthy time and time again, and his policies surrounding Iran’s nuclear weapons program are no different. That is why this legislation is necessary to guarantee the Congress has a key role in reviewing any potential agreement with Iran in order to ensure the country – and the radicals and terrorists who abound in the region – never gets its hands on nuclear weapons.

The alternative – bad deals that could start a nuclear arms race, put our allies at risk and allow for the spread of terrorism throughout the Middle East and beyond – is not an option.


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