Sign the Health Care Reform Petition!

One of Texas GOP's readers, Wayne Stevens, and one of our bloggers, Andy Adams, each proposed that we post the link to a petition that's going around to free our healthcare system from the impending government takeover.

Here's what Wayne wrote:

Here's something we all can do. The hosts of talk-radio programs on the Salem Radio Network (Bill Bennett, Mike Gallagher, Dennis Prager, Michael Medved and Hugh Hewitt) are sponsoring a petition against the Obama/Democrat Party healthcare debacle. The goal is to raise one million signatures by the end of the week when Congress recesses for August. They have nearly 850,000 signatures now [actually closer to 900,000 as of this posting].
For those who haven't already signed this petition, it's a chance to really make your voices heard in Congress. It will be delivered when we reach a million signatures. Please take a moment to sign it today!

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