Some Honesty on Immigration

The issue of illegal immigration was front and center for a few moments during Friday night's debate for the GOP nomination for governor.

Governor Perry lashed out at Washington and, by extension, Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison, for doing nothing to keep illegal immigrants out of Texas. Ironically, during the same debate, Perry was also forced to defend his support of in-state college tuition for the children of illegal immigrants. Instead of stating the obvious, which is that many of these kids were brought here as babies, Perry said "they've been here a long time" and they're on a path to citizenship. The governor laments that if Washington would do its job, Texans wouldn't have to make these hard choices.

Students who were brought here as babies, many of them cradled in their mother's arms as these poor women crossed the frigid waters of the Rio Grande in winter, had absolutely no choice about where they would be raised. Their parents thought it best to bring them to the land of the free, only to find out they'd be persecuted as Christians were persecuted by the Romans. I have interviewed many of these students who rightly feel they're being singled out for a decision they had no hand in making.

Senator Hutchison brags about her commitment to quadruple the number of Border Patrol agents, but enforcement of current law is only part of the solution to our problems.

Where Governor Perry and Senator Hutchison are both wrong is that Washington doesn't just need to keep illegal immigrants out of Texas, the leadership in D.C. needs to come up with a common sense solution for dealing with the people who are already in this country illegally. Many of them don't even want a path to citizenship, but they would like a scenario in which they can work hard and honestly without fear they'll be separated from their families.

When I was growing up on a farm in Southeast Texas, there were only two types of people who would do the hard, hot sweaty labor required to make the crops flourish: The people who owned the land and the illegal immigrants. That was back before the people who would cut weeds from your cotton crops had been made out to be demons by the Lou Dobbs and Glenn Beck's of the world. Happily, Dobbs has seen the light. It's too bad he didn't do so back when he had a better platform where he could have pushed common sense solutions.

For those who complain that illegal immigrants use our services for free, I ask you: Why not have a system under which they can pay for those services? If they were identified and taxed at a higher rate, there would be no room to say they're not contributing.

There have been more times than can be mentioned when what's right and what's legal were not the same. Many of my conservative Republican friends would say abortion is wrong, yet it remains legal. I would tell you that robbing precious children of their parents during immigration raids is wrong, but that, too, remains legal.

I implore Republicans to reach out to the growing Hispanic population, which shares so many of your values. They are pro-life, pro-gun, and most of all pro-family. Should their families not be as valuable simply because they've come here to do jobs we won't do? George W. Bush got it right when he said "family values don't end at the Rio Grande."


Many children were brought here by their parents.  Yes they may not have the proper documents to be here but should they continue to be held down because of that. If a person is arrested and jailed for DWI are the children given the same sentance... no they are not.  The DREAM ACT would help those students who were brought here by their parents at a young age.  As far as allowing these students to pay in state tuition, I feel that is fair since some (not all) but definately some of these people do pay income tax with an ITIN number.  In addition they pay sales tax and school taxes to support these colleges.  They have lived and supported our communities so I feel they should get the benefit of in state tution.  I also know that the immigration system is BROKEN and needs to be fixed.  Hopefully the elected officials will do what our country needs and take care of this soon!  Many of those people in this situation are Good hard working people that we would all benefit from being citizens of our great country!

The reason we are in a recession is because of illegal aliens  coming to our country unlawfully.  Yes people who hire them are culprits too, but it only goes to show you that the US institutions cannot handle the major influx of illegal aliens. By giving these people loans, credit cards ect and them not knowing our laws has caused the home industry to halt, credit card companies to raise thier interest rates and hospitals to close.
 South America groups like La Raza (NCLR), LULAC, MALDEF, MECHA ect.. planned this invasion for years, and these groups only want special treatment for HISPANICS in the US, 30 Million illegal aliens.  The US taxpayer has have TO TAKE THE FULL  BRUNT of this INVASION. So sir if you want to help them, help them learn ENGLISH and assimilate by learning our LAWS, that would be a great help.

but how many have to pay for it for the rest of their lives... I am quite certain the child of the person in jail for DWI is not also sitting in jail with the adult  who was drinking and driving.  nor is  the child of the person in jail for robbery sentenced with their parent....

Children pay for the mistakes of their parents all the time. Parents make bad decisions, and the kids suffer. When daddy goes to prison and mommy goes on welfare, you think those kids don't pay for that all their lives? They start out life with a huge deficit and struggle all their lives. Just the psychological problems they have as a result of it are something they must overcome. That's not to say they can't overcome them, but they do pay a price for their parent's mistakes.

Life is hard. It's harder if you're parents were stupid.
-my apologies to John Wayne.

I like the way you think, pard.

In 1993, Hutchison and her team of attorney's - led by Dick DeGuerin, the $700-an-hour hotshot criminal lawyer and defender of Branch Dividian David Koresh - were fighting charges that she had abused her office as state treasurer. The evidence portrayed Hutchison as a termagant who verbally and physically abused her staff, including testimony that while in a tirade, she hit executive assistant Sharon Connally Ammann, the daughter of former governor John Connally, on the shoulder with a notebook binder. Another deputy had been Warren Idsal, the son-in-law of Hutchison's best friend and mentor, legendary ultra-right-wing Texan and Nixon adviser Anne Armstrong. She fired Idsal and later cited his removal as a threat to a frustrated staffer of her tough approach to personnel management. The evidence also showed she ordered a purge of backup computer tapes containing personal and political documents her executive staff produced for her. Conviction for the Nixon-like charges would have ruined her politically. Hutchison claimed the chief prosecutor, Travis County District Attorney Ronnie Earle, was part of a sinister conspiracy against her.

Just fyi when somone is deported they have the right to take their child with them.



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