Stephen Broden with the Rest of the Story After Media's Sound Bite Sabotage

*Updated with video.

The following appeared on as "The Rest of the Story" following recent media reports that misrepresented Stephen Brodens remarks during a contentious interview. 

WFAA/DMN Reply---The Rest of the Story

Last week, numerous media reports misrepresented some remarks I made during a contentious interview. My remarks were intended to be historical and philosophical in nature. They were taken out of context by the reporter, and only part of what I said was heard.

I am a student of American history. I revere the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution because I know how important the ideas found in those documents are to the freedom of all Americans. My remarks were intended to mean one thing: the ideas in our founding documents will never be out of date.

Our current government is justly elected, but terribly misguided. Let me be clear: because our government is justly elected, the only legitimate way to defend our liberty is through peaceful change at the ballot box.

As long as we have elections, our remedy against bad government is our right to vote. This year, voters can set America back on course by the choices we make over the next week.

Let us not lose sight of the most important issue in this election. Congresswoman Johnson did something unethical: she betrayed our district by funneling scholarship money to her family members instead of giving it to the deserving students of this district.

Yes, a few of my statements were taken out of context. What I said hurt nobody but me. What she did hurt the families of this district.

I have offered a fresh vision for District 30 while my opponent offers more of the same failed policies. My vision includes job growth, economic development, safer neighborhoods, and schools that work.

Americans are dissatisfied with the direction the country has taken. We must seize the opportunity to set things straight. Your vote is your voice. I humbly ask for your vote in this election so that I may go to Congress and work for the changes we need in our communities.

Learn more about Stephen Broden and the TX-30 race.


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